NumPy 2.0.0rc2 released

Hi All On behalf of the NumPy team, I'm pleased to announce the release of NumPy 2.0.0rc2. NumPy 2.0.0 is the first major release since 2006. It is the result of 11 months of development since the last feature release and is the work of 198 contributors spread over 1041 pull requests. It contains a large number of exciting new features as well as changes to both the Python and C APIs. This major release includes breaking changes that could not happen in a regular minor (feature) release - including an ABI break, changes to type promotion rules, and API changes which may not have been emitting deprecation warnings in 1.26.x. Key documents related to how to adapt to changes in NumPy 2.0 include: - The release notes on Github <> - The numpy-2-migration-guide <> - The numpy 2.0-specific advice in for downstream package authors <> Highlights include: - A new variable-length string dtype, StringDType, and a new `numpy.strings` namespace with performant ufuncs for string operations. - Support for float32 and long double in all `numpy.fft` functions. - Support for the array API standard in the main numpy namespace. - MacOS Accelerate support and binary wheels for macOS >=14. - A new tracing and introspection API. - Performance improvements. - Python API improvements. - C API improvements. This release supports Python 3.9-3.12. Wheels can be downloaded from PyPI <>; source archives, release notes, and wheel hashes are available on Github <>. *Contributors* A total of 198 people contributed to this release. People with a "+" by their names contributed a patch for the first time. - @Algorithmist-Girl + - @DWesl - @Illviljan - @ellaella12 + - @liang3zy22 + - @matoro + - @mcp292 + - @mykykh + - @pojaghi + - @pratiklp00 + - @stefan6419846 + - @undermyumbrella1 + - Aaron Meurer - Aditi Saluja + - Adrin Jalali + - Agriya Khetarpal + - Albert Steppi + - Alex Cabrera + - Alexander Grund - Andrea Bianchi + - Andreas Florath + - Andrew Ardill + - Andrew Ho + - Andrew Nelson - Andrey Rybakov + - Ankur Singh + - Anton Prosekin + - Antony Lee - Bas van Beek - Ben Woodruff + - Bharat Raghunathan - Bhavya Alekhya + - Brandon Smith + - Brian Walshe + - Brigitta Sipőcz - Brock Mendel - Carl Meyer + - Charles Bousseau + - Charles Harris - Chris Sidebottom - Christian Lorentzen - Christian Veenhuis - Christoph Reiter - Christopher Sidebottom - Clément Robert - Cédric Hannotier - D.J. Ramones + - DanShatford + - Daniel Li + - Daniel Vanzo - Daval Parmar - Developer-Ecosystem-Engineering - Dhruv Rawat + - Dimitri Papadopoulos Orfanos - Edward E - Edward Yang + - Eisuke Kawashima + - Eliah Kagan + - Élie Goudout + - Elliott Sales de Andrade - Emil Olszewski + - Emily Hunt + - Éric Piel + - Eric Wieser - Even Rouault + - Evgeni Burovski - Filipe Laíns + - Francisco Sousa + - Ganesh Kathiresan - Gonzalo Tornaría + - Hans Meine - Heberto Mayorquin + - Heinz-Alexander Fuetterer + - Hood Chatham - Hugo van Kemenade - Ivan A. Melnikov + - Jacob M. Casey + - Jake Lishman + - Jake VanderPlas - James Oliver + - Jan Wassenberg + - Janukan Sivajeyan + - Johann Rohwer + - Johannes Kaisinger + - John Muradeli + - Joris Van den Bossche - Kai Striega - Kevin Sheppard - Kevin Wu + - Khawaja Junaid + - Kit Lee + - Kristian Minchev + - Kristoffer Pedersen + - Kuan-Wei Chiu + - Lane Votapka + - Larry Bradley - Leo Singer - Liang Yan + - Linus Sommer + - Logan Thomas - Lucas Colley + - Lukas Geiger - Lysandros Nikolaou + - Maanas Arora + - Maharshi Basu + - Mahder Gebremedhin + - Marcel Bargull + - Mark Mentovai + - Mark Ryan + - Marten Henric van Kerkwijk + - Marten van Kerkwijk - Mateusz Sokół - Matt Haberland - Matthew Barber - Matthias Bussonnier - Matthias Koeppe - Matthias Schaufelberger + - Matti Picus - Maxwell Aladago - Maya Anderson + - Melissa Weber Mendonça - Meng Xiangzhuo + - Michael Kiffer - Miki Watanabe (渡邉 美希) - Milan Curcic + - Miles Cranmer - Miro Hrončok + - Mohamed E. BRIKI + - Mohaned Qunaibit + - Mohit Kumar + - Muhammed Muhsin + - Mukulika Pahari - Munira Alduraibi + - Namami Shanker - Nathan Goldbaum - Nyakku Shigure + - Ola x Nilsson + - Olivier Mattelaer + - Omid Rajaei - Pablo Losada + - Pamphile Roy - Paul Reece + - Pedro Kaj Kjellerup Nacht + - Peiyuan Liu + - Peter Hawkins - Pierre - Pieter Eendebak - Quentin Barthélemy + - Raghuveer Devulapalli - Ralf Gommers - Randy Eckenrode + - Raquel Braunschweig + - Richard Howe + - Robert Kern - Rohit Goswami - Romain Geissler + - Ronald van Elburg + - Ross Barnowski - Sam James + - Sam Van Kooten + - Samuel Albanie + - Sarah Wang + - Sarah Zwiep + - Sarah-Yifei-Wang + - Sarthak Dawar + - Sayantika Banik - Sayed Adel - Sean Cheah + - Sebastian Berg - Serge Guelton - Shalini Roy + - Shen Zhou - Shubhal Gupta + - Stefan van der Walt - Stefano Rivera + - Takumasa N. + - Taras Tsugrii - Thomas A Caswell - Thomas Grainger + - Thomas Li - Tim Hoffmann - Tim Paine + - Trey Woodlief + - Tyler Reddy - Victor Tang + - Vladimir Fokow + - Warren Weckesser - Warrick Ball + - Will Ayd - William Andrea + - William Ayd + - Yash Pethe + - Yuki K - Zach Brugh + - Zach Rottman + - Zolisa Bleki - mgunyho + - msavinash + Cheers, Charles Harris
participants (1)
Charles R Harris