Re: [Numpy-discussion] Memory mapping and NPZ files

On Dec 12, 2015 10:53 AM, "Mathieu Dubois" <> wrote:
I can see a good argument for transitioning to a rule where mmap=False doesn't mmap, mmap=True mmaps if the file is uncompressed and raises an error for compressed files, and mmap="if-possible" gives the current behavior. (It's even possible that the current code would already accept "if-possible" as a alias for True, which would make the transition easier.) Or maybe "never"/"always"/"if-possible" would be better for type consistency reasons, while deprecating the use of bools altogether. But this transition might be a bit more of a hassle, since these definitely won't work on older numpy's. Silently creating a massive temporary file doesn't seem like a great idea to me in any case. Creating a temporary file + mmaping it is essentially equivalent to just loading the data into swappable RAM, except that the swap case is guaranteed not to accidentally leave a massive temp file lying around afterwards. -n
participants (1)
Nathaniel Smith