numarray boolean array formatting poll results

The thread on what to do with boolean array formatting in numarray has died out, so I thought I should explain (what I saw) as the results of the poll: (1) There was a clear majority of numarray users who actually prefer the status quo of 0,1 for representing arrays of boolean values. (2) There was a sizable minority that would like to see consistency with Python-2.3 by using False, True for representing arrays of boolean values. (3) There was a (good) suggestion of using F, T for representing boolean values. However, on reflection and reviewing the poll comments, F, T is not really as good as 0, 1 visually, nor is it likely to satisfy those people interested in consistency with Python, so it is unlikely to make most numarray users any happier. (4) Also suggested was supporting configurable boolean formats. This approach is reasonable to implement, but I have a reservation that adding support for multiple formats may cause as much confusion as it gives satisfaction. Is it *really* worth it? (more later) Given 1-4, I think the best thing to do for now is keep 0,1 as the only format for boolean array values. If someone wants False, True bad enough to submit a complete patch for supporting multiple formats (and defaulting to 0,1), we will still accept it. If anyone is still interested in doing this, the patch should include modified TeX documentation and pass all the self tests in (all of core numarray and all current add-ons). The patch should also run cleanly on both Python-2.2 and Python-2.3. Thanks everyone for responding, Todd -- Todd Miller STSCI / ESS / SSB
participants (1)
Todd Miller