Hi, I am running a Debian/Sid system and face a problem when using the gdal python bindinds. The gdal python bindings are linked with Numeric. In one of my application i'm using some numpy methods. This is working fine BUT when I add the use of the matploblib library to my application all the calls to gdal specific methods are broken. I have attached a basic example. The first test fails if I import the pylab module. The second one that can be run with any shapefile shows that when pylab is loaded, some GDAL methods raises GEOS exceptions. Commenting the "import pylab" line shows that without pylab there is no exceptions, nor problems. They are two workarounds : [1] a real one : using matplotlib with the Numeric lib [2] a fake one : renaming /usr/lib/python2.4/site-packages/numpy/core/multiarray.so to another name, the tests does not fail. Does anybody have a suggestion to correct this problem ? I can provide more details if needed. Best regards, -- Didrik
participants (1)
Didrik Pinte