PowerPC machine available from OSUOSL

Hi all, For building and testing Numpy on the PowerPC arch, I've requested and obtained a VM instance at OSUOSL, which provides free hosting for open-source projects. This was suggested by @npanpaliya on github. http://osuosl.org/services/powerdev/request_hosting/ I have an immediate use for it to fix some float128 ppc problems, but it can be useful to other numpy devs too. If you are a numpy dev and want access to a ppc system for testing, I can gladly create an account for you. For now, just send me an email with your desired username and a public ssh key. We can discuss permissions and management depending on interest. === VM details === It is single node, Ubuntu 16.04.1, ppc64 POWER (Big Endian) arch, "m1_small" flavor, with usage policy at http://osuosl.org/services/hosting/policy/ I've installed the packages needed to build and test numpy. I ran tests: Numpy 1.13.3 has 2 unimportant test failures, but as expected 1.14 has ~20 more failures related to float128 reprs. === Other services to Consider === I did not request it but they provide a "Power CI" service which allows automated testing of ppc arch on github. If we want this I can look into it more. We might also consider asking for a node with ppc64le (Little Endian) arch for testing, but maybe the big-endian one is enough. Cheers, Allan

Doing CI on a different architecture, especially big-endian, would seem very useful. (Indeed, I'll look into it for my own project, of reading radio baseband data -- we run it on a BGQ, so more constant checking would be good to have). But it may be that we're a bit too big for CI, and that it is better to test at release time (as I guess you're doing!). -- Marten
participants (2)
Allan Haldane
Marten van Kerkwijk