I just compiled and installed Numeric 20.1.0b1 using lapack and blas libraries. When I tried to import lapack_lite (after importing Numeric), I got this error: Traceback (most recent call last): File "<stdiimoprimporn>", line 1, in ? ImportError: /usr/lib/liblapack.so.3: undefined symbol: e_wsfe I'm using Python 2.1 on RH 7.1. I've had this problem before and have even seen postings to this list about related problems. But the solutions posted were over my head, so I've never been able to use the python interface to the lapack and blas libraries, which I really need. Does anyone have any advice, preferably pitched to someone who has limited compilation skills (i.e. at the the "configure, make, make install" level)? Thanks. David Marimont

At some point, "David H. Marimont" <marimont@nxpdata.com> wrote:
You have to compile in the g2c library. For RH 7.1, add the path '/usr/lib/gcc-lib/i386-redhat-linux/2.96/' to library_dirs_list in setup.py, and 'g2c' in libraries_list. So the appropiate lines in setup.py will look like: # delete all but the first one in this list if using your own LAPACK/BLAS sourcelist = ['Src/lapack_litemodule.c', # 'Src/blas_lite.c', # 'Src/f2c_lite.c', # 'Src/zlapack_lite.c', # 'Src/dlapack_lite.c' ] # set these to use your own BLAS library_dirs_list = ['/usr/local/lib', '/usr/lib/gcc-lib/i386-redhat-linux/2.96/'] libraries_list = ['lapack', 'blas', 'g2c'] If you're compiling on Debian, I don't think you need to add the path (but you need 'g2c'). You need g2c because lapack and blas were compiled from Fortran using g77, and so they depend on routines that implement some of the Fortran statements. -- |>|\/|< /--------------------------------------------------------------------------\ |David M. Cooke |cookedm@mcmaster.ca

Thanks, David, that worked perfectly -- I can now import lapack_lite without any errors. Now I need to now how to call lapack functions aside from the ones that come packaged with lapack_lite (dgeev, dgelss, dgelss, dgesv, dgesvd, dgetrf, dsyev, zgelss, zgesv,z gesvd, zgetff, and zheev). I found these via inspect.getmembers(lapack_lite). Where do all the other lapack functions live? And is there some way for me to determine that automatically? Thanks. David "David M. Cooke" wrote:

At some point, "David H. Marimont" <marimont@nxpdata.com> wrote:
You want PyLapack. See a previous message at http://www.geocrawler.com/archives/3/1329/2000/4/0/3616954/ -- |>|\/|< /--------------------------------------------------------------------------\ |David M. Cooke |cookedm@mcmaster.ca

At some point, "David H. Marimont" <marimont@nxpdata.com> wrote:
You have to compile in the g2c library. For RH 7.1, add the path '/usr/lib/gcc-lib/i386-redhat-linux/2.96/' to library_dirs_list in setup.py, and 'g2c' in libraries_list. So the appropiate lines in setup.py will look like: # delete all but the first one in this list if using your own LAPACK/BLAS sourcelist = ['Src/lapack_litemodule.c', # 'Src/blas_lite.c', # 'Src/f2c_lite.c', # 'Src/zlapack_lite.c', # 'Src/dlapack_lite.c' ] # set these to use your own BLAS library_dirs_list = ['/usr/local/lib', '/usr/lib/gcc-lib/i386-redhat-linux/2.96/'] libraries_list = ['lapack', 'blas', 'g2c'] If you're compiling on Debian, I don't think you need to add the path (but you need 'g2c'). You need g2c because lapack and blas were compiled from Fortran using g77, and so they depend on routines that implement some of the Fortran statements. -- |>|\/|< /--------------------------------------------------------------------------\ |David M. Cooke |cookedm@mcmaster.ca

Thanks, David, that worked perfectly -- I can now import lapack_lite without any errors. Now I need to now how to call lapack functions aside from the ones that come packaged with lapack_lite (dgeev, dgelss, dgelss, dgesv, dgesvd, dgetrf, dsyev, zgelss, zgesv,z gesvd, zgetff, and zheev). I found these via inspect.getmembers(lapack_lite). Where do all the other lapack functions live? And is there some way for me to determine that automatically? Thanks. David "David M. Cooke" wrote:

At some point, "David H. Marimont" <marimont@nxpdata.com> wrote:
You want PyLapack. See a previous message at http://www.geocrawler.com/archives/3/1329/2000/4/0/3616954/ -- |>|\/|< /--------------------------------------------------------------------------\ |David M. Cooke |cookedm@mcmaster.ca
participants (2)
David H. Marimont