Hello again! I think PewPew Standalone has a big potential to be a low-cost Micro:bit alternative for teaching children how to program microcontrollers and make simple games with it. However, it still lacks easy-to-use online tools, such as MakeCode for Micro:bit. There is Pewmulator, but it requires downloading Python and Pygame, which is less comfortable than using an online platform. So while I am waiting for my ordered PewPews, meanwhile I am developing an online emulator for PewPew Standalone using Pygame4skulpt. Your CircuitPython code is running fully client-side inside the browser, handling LED display and key presses. Here is the demo of the first proof-of-concept: https://gfycat.com/ifr/kindheartedsilveritalianbrownbear. The Pew Pew Standalone Emulator will be open sourced when it is more mature. I was thinking about incorporating it into the latest EduBlocks beta, but it would be much easier if there was already some support for the Pew library in EduBlocks. Or if MakeCode supported PewPew Standalone. Maybe one day it could be a part of a bigger platform for educating children in less developed countries. Do you think it is a good idea? Best wishes!

niu tech wrote:
I am developing an online emulator for PewPew Standalone using Pygame4skulpt. Your CircuitPython code is running fully client-side inside the browser, handling LED display and key presses. Here is the demo of the first proof-of-concept: https://gfycat.com/ifr/kindheartedsilveritalianbrownbear.
Wow, very cool! I was wondering the other day if there was a JavaScript-based emulator of some hardware that could run CircuitPython or MicroPython to make a web-based PewPew emulator with (similarly to http://micropython.org/unicorn/) - but of course you are right that a JavaScript-based Python implementation is sufficient. I wasn't aware of Skulpt. From the description on GitHub it seems like its Python 3 support is preliminary, is it good enough yet to run the existing PewPew games? There would also be https://github.com/micropython/micropython/tree/master/ports/javascript (which I have never tried). -Christian

Thanks! As for the MicroPython implementation in WebAssembly, there is https://pmp-p.github.io/layout.html and there is also Brython for a full Python implementation in JS: http://www.brython.info. I am currently experimenting with them.

Looks like a great idea! In the meantime, it is possible to load the PewPew emulator into Repl.it, as I do here <https://repl.it/@quantum_jim/PewPewMicroQiskit>. On Tue, 12 May 2020 at 23:39, niu tech <jerzyglowacki@gmail.com> wrote:

The PewPew Emulator is a standalone emulator that allows you to play games like Asteroids, Space Invaders, and more. This is the ultimate guide to programming microcontrollers with Python and Pygame. It will teach you how to program your microcontroller in Python and Pygame. — PewPew is an online emulator that can program microcontrollers. It is a standalone Python and Pygame application. It was developed by an undergraduate student at the University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign. The PewPew Standalone Emulator Online (PSEO) is a web-based emulator that can program microcontrollers. The PSEO was developed by an undergraduate student at the University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign and it is written in Python and Pygame. https://www.shopmegakaraoke.com/collections/microphones PewPew is an open-source emulator for the Atari 2600 game console. It runs on Windows, Mac OS X, Linux, and other Unix-like operating systems. The Atari 2600 had a 6502 microprocessor and could be programmed in a variety of ways. The most popular programming language was called BASIC.

niu tech wrote:
I am developing an online emulator for PewPew Standalone using Pygame4skulpt. Your CircuitPython code is running fully client-side inside the browser, handling LED display and key presses. Here is the demo of the first proof-of-concept: https://gfycat.com/ifr/kindheartedsilveritalianbrownbear.
Wow, very cool! I was wondering the other day if there was a JavaScript-based emulator of some hardware that could run CircuitPython or MicroPython to make a web-based PewPew emulator with (similarly to http://micropython.org/unicorn/) - but of course you are right that a JavaScript-based Python implementation is sufficient. I wasn't aware of Skulpt. From the description on GitHub it seems like its Python 3 support is preliminary, is it good enough yet to run the existing PewPew games? There would also be https://github.com/micropython/micropython/tree/master/ports/javascript (which I have never tried). -Christian

Thanks! As for the MicroPython implementation in WebAssembly, there is https://pmp-p.github.io/layout.html and there is also Brython for a full Python implementation in JS: http://www.brython.info. I am currently experimenting with them.

Looks like a great idea! In the meantime, it is possible to load the PewPew emulator into Repl.it, as I do here <https://repl.it/@quantum_jim/PewPewMicroQiskit>. On Tue, 12 May 2020 at 23:39, niu tech <jerzyglowacki@gmail.com> wrote:

The PewPew Emulator is a standalone emulator that allows you to play games like Asteroids, Space Invaders, and more. This is the ultimate guide to programming microcontrollers with Python and Pygame. It will teach you how to program your microcontroller in Python and Pygame. — PewPew is an online emulator that can program microcontrollers. It is a standalone Python and Pygame application. It was developed by an undergraduate student at the University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign. The PewPew Standalone Emulator Online (PSEO) is a web-based emulator that can program microcontrollers. The PSEO was developed by an undergraduate student at the University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign and it is written in Python and Pygame. https://www.shopmegakaraoke.com/collections/microphones PewPew is an open-source emulator for the Atari 2600 game console. It runs on Windows, Mac OS X, Linux, and other Unix-like operating systems. The Atari 2600 had a 6502 microprocessor and could be programmed in a variety of ways. The most popular programming language was called BASIC.
participants (6)
Christian Walther
Dr James Wootton
Jerzy Głowacki
niu tech
Rani Thakur
Thierry Chantier