Hi Radomir,
Amazing work at EuroPython, and so happy you were mentioned so many
times on Adafruit about it. Do you have any notes from the workshop
for others who might be interested in running one?
I've been talking about PewPew at PyLadies Dublin, at my various
meetings with Makers and STEAM-education companies (latter is a org
that runs STEAM workshops for youth workers and another is similar
but runs workshops for teachers), and folks are really interested in
it. So it looks like something I can try run for educators and other
orgs as well as in PyLadies Dublin and possibly PyCon Ireland 2019.
Any pointers and suggestions welcomed.
/// Vicky Twomey-Lee (PyLadies Dublin
<https://twitter.com/pyladiesdub> Founder)
Pronouns: she/her/hers
Python Ireland <http://python.ie/> Member
EuroPython Member <http://www.europython-society.org/members> | PSF
On Sun, Jul 21, 2019 at 10:52 PM Radomir Dopieralski
<sheep@sheep.art.pl> wrote:
State of PewPew for 2019-07-21
* At this year's Europython conference all participants have been
given a customized PewPew device, and there were workshop on
programming them. Huge thanks to the mentors who ran these:
Christian Walther, Thierry Chantier, Raphael Das Gupta and Coen de
Groot. There was also a short talk about the development of PewPew.
* A release candidate for CircuitPython 4.1.0 is available at
http://circuitpython.org. One exciting change is that this
version is about five times faster than the previous versions!
* All PewPews on Tindie are sold out, and I'm looking for a better
way of making the devices available, possibly produced and sold by a
factory directly. More information as soon as we have anything.
* There are new games available in the repository:
+ Sokoban https://github.com/pewpew-game/game-sokoban
+ Boulderdash https://github.com/pewpew-game/game-boulder
* I'm still looking into a possible next version of PewPew with a
display https://hackaday.io/project/165032
* I made a shield for D1 Mini that is compatible with the PewPew
Lite Featherwing https://hackaday.io/project/21578/log/165753
* We are considering running PewPew workshops at Flick the World in
Zuirch at the end of September. More details will follow.
Radomir Dopieralski
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