I am teaching an introduction to Python for programmers in other languages using PewPew Lite devices on Adafruit Feather HUZZAH ESP8266 boards. The course is held online for now (with hardware supplied by mail) and in German only, an English version might follow if there is enough demand. On the off-chance that anyone here is interested, you can find more information and sign-up at https://fablabwinti.ch/kurse/elektronik-arduino-kurse/micropython-kurs/ . The course material is available under a Creative Commons license, in case anyone else would like to hold the course locally: https://github.com/cwalther/micropython-workshop https://github.com/cwalther/micropython-workshop-fourinarow https://cw-micropython-workshop.readthedocs.io Greetings Christian

I am teaching an introduction to Python for programmers in other languages using Pew Pew Lite devices on Adafruit Feather. I hope next time is usually great, thanks for sharing.
participants (2)
Christian Walther