State of PewPew for 2019-07-21 ****************************** News ==== * At this year's Europython conference all participants have been given a customized PewPew device, and there were workshop on programming them. Huge thanks to the mentors who ran these: Christian Walther, Thierry Chantier, Raphael Das Gupta and Coen de Groot. There was also a short talk about the development of PewPew. * A release candidate for CircuitPython 4.1.0 is available at http://circuitpython.org. One exciting change is that this version is about five times faster than the previous versions! * All PewPews on Tindie are sold out, and I'm looking for a better way of making the devices available, possibly produced and sold by a factory directly. More information as soon as we have anything. * There are new games available in the repository: + Sokoban https://github.com/pewpew-game/game-sokoban + Boulderdash https://github.com/pewpew-game/game-boulder Plans ===== * I'm still looking into a possible next version of PewPew with a display https://hackaday.io/project/165032 * I made a shield for D1 Mini that is compatible with the PewPew Lite Featherwing https://hackaday.io/project/21578/log/165753 * We are considering running PewPew workshops at Flick the World in Zuirch at the end of September. More details will follow. -- Radomir Dopieralski

* We are considering running PewPew workshops at Flick the World in Zuirch at the end of September. More details will follow.
Small correction: end of August. (https://mechatronicart.ch/call-for-participation/) -Christian

Radomir Dopieralski wrote:
* I made a shield for D1 Mini that is compatible with the PewPew Lite Featherwing https://hackaday.io/project/21578/log/165753
Nice! I think I need one of those to complete my collection. :) Are you planning to sell them, or do we have to produce them ourselves? I have matrices, I have buttons, and I'm thinking about ordering some of those Holtek chips too to experiment. Speaking of which, have you ever seen any of these 20 mm bi-color LED matrices that had a pin spacing of 2.5 mm as specified? On all the ones I have seen, including those on the PewPews I got from you as well as those I have ordered now from two different AliExpress suppliers (they look identical though), it has been around 2.4 mm instead, making them hard to squeeze into 2.5 mm (or even 2.54 mm) holes. The larger spacing of 7.5 mm is accurate though. -Christian

* We are considering running PewPew workshops at Flick the World in Zuirch at the end of September. More details will follow.
Small correction: end of August. (https://mechatronicart.ch/call-for-participation/) -Christian

Radomir Dopieralski wrote:
* I made a shield for D1 Mini that is compatible with the PewPew Lite Featherwing https://hackaday.io/project/21578/log/165753
Nice! I think I need one of those to complete my collection. :) Are you planning to sell them, or do we have to produce them ourselves? I have matrices, I have buttons, and I'm thinking about ordering some of those Holtek chips too to experiment. Speaking of which, have you ever seen any of these 20 mm bi-color LED matrices that had a pin spacing of 2.5 mm as specified? On all the ones I have seen, including those on the PewPews I got from you as well as those I have ordered now from two different AliExpress suppliers (they look identical though), it has been around 2.4 mm instead, making them hard to squeeze into 2.5 mm (or even 2.54 mm) holes. The larger spacing of 7.5 mm is accurate though. -Christian
participants (2)
Christian Walther
Radomir Dopieralski