Hi -
OSI has some paid courses coming up and are asking the PSF to help promote.
Is everyone OK with promoting these?
Thank you,
*As a non-profit organization, the PSF depends on sponsorships and
donations to support the Python community. Check out our Annual Impact
Report for more details: https://www.python.org/psf/annual-report/2019/
*Please contribute to PSF; we can't continue our work without your
[View More]support! https://www.python.org/psf/donations/
---------- Forwarded message ---------
From: Patrick Masson <masson(a)opensource.org>
Date: Tue, May 12, 2020 at 10:17 AM
Subject: Help Promoting Open Source Initiative Courses
To: Python Software Foundation <ewa(a)python.org>
Cc: Walsh, Zanefa <zwalsh(a)brandeis.edu>
Hello Ewa,
I hope you and the whole PSF crew are all doing well. I wanted to update
you on our latest initiative and ask for your and The Python Software
Foundation's help in promoting our work with a few tweets.
We have collaborated with Brandeis University to provide new educational
offerings for the open source community. The goal is to help address the
growing demand for expertise within organizations seeking to authentically
collaborate with, and productively manage, open source resources.
We offer a fully-online Open Source Technology Management
[1] program consisting of six 4-week micro-courses:
- Cultivate an Open Source Community (begins on June 1, 2020)
- Integrate the Open Source Community (begins on July 6, 2020)
- Open Source Business Practices
- Establish an Open Source Program Office
- Open Source Workflow and Infrastructure
- Production of Distributed Open Source Software
I would appreciate your assistance in spreading the word about the program
to your community with a few tweets. I’ve included some sample tweets that
you can edit and share as you deem appropriate.
- @OpenSourceOrg and #Brandeis are offering 4-week micro-courses,
digital badges and a certificate in #OpenSource Technology Management.
Registration for the upcoming micro-course, Cultivate an Open Source
Community, is now open.
- @OpenSourceOrg and #Brandeis offer 4-week micro-courses, digital
badges and a certificate in #OpenSource Technology Management. Students
build virtual teams to design and propose solutions to real-world OSS
problems. Learn more:
- Want to learn more about #opensource communities? Cultivate an Open
Source Community is a micro-course offered by @OpenSourceOrg and #Brandeis.
They offer other #os micro-courses, digital badges and a certificate in
#OpenSource Technology Management.
We'll be sending out more messages via @OpenSourceorg and @BrandeisGPS if
you would like to stay up to date on this initiative.
Thank you for your help,
-- || | | || | || || | || | ||| | ||| Patrick Masson
General Manager & Director, Open Source Initiative
855 El Camino Real, Ste 13A, #270
Palo Alto, CA 94301
United States
Office: (415) 857-5398
Mobile: (970) 4MASSON
Freenode: OSIMasson
Email: masson(a)opensource.org
Website: www.opensource.org
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