Hello again PSF Community! On August 21, 2018 the PSF Board vote and Meeting. The full meeting minutes can be found at - https://www.python.org/psf/records/board/minutes/2018-07-24/. Included below are some of the highlights from the July 2018 meeting. *Attendance* The following members of the Board of Directors (12 of 13) were present at the meeting: Lorena Mesa, Naomi Ceder, Christopher Neugebauer, Thomas Wouters, Katie McLaughlin, Eric Holscher, Jeff Triplett, Jackie Kazil, Ewa Jodlowska, and Van Lindberg. Anna Ossowski was represented by proxy. Kurt Kaiser (Treasurer), Betsy Waliszewski (Event Planner and Administrator), Phyllis Dobbs (Controller/Assistant Treasurer Accountant), and Ernest W. Durbin III (Director of Infrastructure) were also in attendance. *PSF Consent Agenda Votes* The PSF approved: - May 2018 meeting minutes. - acknowledge the creation of the Python Software Foundation Jobs Work Group to manage, review, and approve job postings. - award the Q3 2018 Community Service Award to Chukwudi Nwachukwu and Mario Corchero. *July 2018 Board Meeting Votes* The PSF Board approved the following officers for 2018/2019 -- President: Guido van Rossum, Secretary: Ewa Jodlowska, Assistant Secretary: Betsy Waliszewski, Treasurer: - Kurt Kaiser, PyCon US Chair: Ernest W. Durbin III. Chair: Naomi Ceder, Vice Chair/Chair-Elect: Jackie Kazil, Vice Chair: Thomas Wouters, Van Lindberg, Communications Co-Chairs: Lorena Mesa, Marlene Mhangami, and General Counsel: Van Lindberg. The PSF approved adding PyHawaii and PyCascades as fiscal sponsorees in alignment with its tax-exempt mission and the PSF is authorized to execute a fiscal sponsorship agreement with each of the approved fiscal sponsorees. The PSF approved $24,000 USD to the CPython Core Sprint being held in Redmond, Washington September 10-14 2018. The PSF approved adding to the Grants Working Group: Aaron Yankey (Python Ghana & PyCon Ghana volunteer). The PSF approved PSF registering the “PyCon” word mark in all countries where a PyCon conference currently exists, including 30 Countries/Jurisdictions covered by the International Trademark treaty, and the following nine separate countries: Argentina, Brazil, Canada, Hong Kong, Malaysia, South Africa, Taiwan, Uruguay, and Venezuela. *Work Group Votes* The Sponsors Work Group approved the following sponsors: YourLabs Business Service (Iron Level) and Digital Ocean (Bronze Level). The following sponsor was denied: HRank.com (Iron Level). The Grants Work Group approved the following grants since the last meeting, totaling $54,153 USD: * $400 USD to the Django Girls event happening in Busia, Uganda September 15, 2018 * $4,000 USD to the PyCon Balkan conference happening in Belgrade, Serbia November 16, 2018 * $3,000 USD to the PyCon Ghana conference happening in Accra, Ghana August 10, 2018 * $1200 USD to the Wellcome Middle School & Bethel Middle School After School Program happening in Pitt Cunty, North Carolina during the summer of 2018. * $750 USD to the Django Girls event happening in Bayelsa, Nigeria June 23, 2018 * $2,000 USD to the PyCon Thailand conference happening in Bangkok, Thailand June 16, 2018 * $580 USD to the Django Girls event happening in Kogi, Nigeria June 29, 2018 * $450 USD to the Django Girls event happening in Bauchi, Nigeria June 30, 2018 * $2500 USD to the PyData Conference happening in New Delhi, India August 11, 2018 * $2000 USD to the PyCon Russia conference happening in Moscow, Russia July 22-23, 2018 * $2200 USD to the Python Workshops happening at the Scientista Symposium Boston, MA March 30, 2019 * $750 USD to the Django Girls event happening in Abidjan, Côte d'Ivoire July 14, 2018 * $750 USD to the Django Girls event happening in Cagayan de Oro, Philippines June 30, 2018 * $665 USD to the Django Girls event happening in Lafia, Nigeria July 28-29, 2018 * $750 USD to the The 1st Annual Software Summit in Nsukka, Nigeria June 18, 2018 * $9,288 USD (~8000 Euro) to the EuroPython conference happening in Edinburgh, UK July 23-29, 2018 * $2800 USD to the PyConNG 2018 conference happening in Lagos, Nigeria September 13, 2018 * $540 USD to the Django Girls event happening in Bo, Sierra Leone July 7, 2018 * $590 USD (~500 Euro) to the Django Girls event happening in Salerno, Italy June 29, 2018 * $540 USD to the Django Girls event happening in Kampala, Uganda July 21, 2018 * $300 USD to the Beethoven Sprint happening in Bonn, Germany June 21-25, 2018 * $250 USD to the PyLadies event happening in Bauchi, Nigeria August 4, 2018 * $150 USD to the Django Girls event happening in Allahabad, India September 8, 2018 * $500 USD to the Python Training event happening in Bamenda, Cameroon July-October, 2018 * $1600 USD to the Flask Conference happening in São Paulo, Brazil August 25, 2018 * $1000 USD to the Young Coders event happening at PyOhio 2018 in Columbus, Ohio * $5,000 USD to the PyOhio Conference happening in Columbus, Ohio July 28-29, 2018 * $2700 USD to the Code Park Invent to Learn Summer Program @ FabLab Houston happening in Houston, Texas Jly 23-27 and July 30 - August 3, 2018 * $2,000 USD to the PyCon MY conference happening in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia August 25, 2018 * $1800 USD to the Django Girls event happening in Seoul, South Korea July 20, 2018 * $2500 to the AI6 Cleveland Chapter for a series of hands-on Python workshops to begin in the fall of 218. * $1000 USD to the Django Girls event happening in Sekondi Takoradi, Ghana September 1, 2018 The following grants were denied: * $1700 USD to the "InspireIT Mobile App Fest" event happening in Enugu, Nigeria July 13-27, 2018 * $1667 USD to the "Python workshop for beginners" event happening in Vadodara, India June 18, 2018 * $2000 USD for work that would improve the Python debugger plugin for Sublime Text * $3400 USD to the Programming Workshop happening in Dhaka, Bangladesh July 25, 2018 * $1200 USD to The First Ladies and Gents Nacoss Nekede Conference happening in Owerri, Nigeria July 12, 218 * $1000 USD to the Django Girls event happening in Ogun, Nigeria August 4, 2018 * $790 USD to the Django Girls event happening in Katsina-Funtua, Nigeria July 21, 2018 The Scientific Python Work Group votes to grant $1500 to the Joint ICML and IJCAI Workshop on Computational Biology 2018 for use in finding three (3) travel awards. *MeetUp Fees* MeetUp fees were granted to PyLadies Hamburg Germany, Python user group in northern Colorado, Portland Python User Group, Houston PyLadies, Champaign Urbana Python User Group, and PyLadies Chicago Chicago. As always, tstay up on the latest PSF news, follow the PSF on Twitter at https://twitter.com/thepsf and the PSF blog at http://pyfound.blogspot.com/. Thanks all! __________________________________________________________________ *Lorena Mesa* Co-Organizer, PyLadies Chicago <http://www.meetup.com/Chicago-PyLadies/> Director, Python Software Foundation www.lorenamesa.com @loooorenanicole <https://twitter.com/loooorenanicole> Pronouns: she/her/hers Say what? <http://feministing.com/2015/02/03/how-using-they-as-a-singular-pronoun-can-c...>