On 13.02.2016 23:59, Khaled Monsoor wrote:
hello everyone in this wonderful community,
probably, we already know about the recent confirmation by LIGO <http://www.ligo.org/> about existence of "gravitational waves", a major prediction by the "theory of relativity" by Albert Einstein. It is a huge milestone to human endeavour to understand nature.
what we may or may not know that Python was the de-facto language of software components of the experimentation. It was extensively used in day-to-day operations, from orchestrating the instruments[1], gathering data, analytics, to generating the finally published pretty graphs[2]. Usage of Python, IPython notebook & matplotlib was extensive among the team-members of LIGO.[3], [4]
i am not a part of LIGO, or any of the member organisations. Rather, as a common enthusiast of natural-sciences as well as a open-source believer, I would like to take a moment to thank every single contributor of Python. Please keep up pushing your commits. We facilitated something bigger than us.
Thank you for sharing this information with us. This is really exciting :-) I took the liberty to use these great news as part of our EuroPython 2016 launch announcement yesterday (which I'll post here as well).
i would also like to take a moment to remember our lost friend, John D. Hunter, the creator of matplotlib. Whom we lost in 2012 in a battle with cancer. Dear John, you are long gone, but you will live generations through 2-D matplotlib plots.
Thanks everyone.
Khaled Monsoor, a common user of Python
refs: [1]: https://www.reddit.com/r/IAmA/comments/45g8qu/we_are_the_ligo_scientific_col... [2]: https://pbs.twimg.com/media/Ca8jlVIWcAUmeP8.png [3]: https://losc.ligo.org/s/events/GW150914/GW150914_tutorial.html [4]: https://github.com/ligo-cbc
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