Hello community members!

The PSF is helping get the word out to as many projects and community members as possible about FOSS Responders! Check out below how you can gain access to emergency funds, volunteer your time, and read about community event resources the group has put together. 


COVID-19 has impacted all of our lives including our projects, community members and organizations. We encourage you to seek support from FOSS Responders, who can help you and your community:

*Note: you may need to sign up for Discourse to post your funding or talent needs.

We hope you will take advantage of this new initiative. Thank you for taking such care of your community during these challenging times. 

With gratitude,

FOSS Responders


I also recommend folks share the above message with their networks.

Have a great rest of the week everyone and stay safe.

Ewa Jodlowska
Executive Director
Python Software Foundation
As a non-profit organization, the PSF depends on sponsorships and donations to support the Python community. Check out our Annual Impact Report for more details: https://www.python.org/psf/annual-report/2019/
Please contribute to PSF; we can't continue our work without your support! https://www.python.org/psf/donations/