Google Summer of Code 2016!

Hi all! Google Summer of Code mentoring org applications open in a week. I'm getting Python's 2016 application ready, and I wanted to let you all know that we're always open for new projects to try out GSoC with the support of my experienced volunteer team. The more good project ideas and mentors we have ready to go when applications close on the 19th, the more likely we are to be accepted as a mentoring org again this year. For those of you not familiar with it, GSoC is a program where Google provides funds to pay students to work an open source project over a 3 month period, if the community is willing to provide mentoring and support for the student. The Python Software Foundation has participated since 2005 as an "umbrella organization" for a variety of pythonic "sub-orgs." We had 70 students last year and raised $35k for the PSF! I'm also looking for individual volunteers this year, so you can participate even if you're not affiliated with one of our sub-orgs. Our wiki page with links to more info is here: And if you have any questions or want to join us, you can email my volunteer team at Thanks! Terri
participants (1)
Terri Oda