The Python Software Foundation has allocated some funds to help people
attend PyCon 2008. If you would like to come to PyCon but can't afford
it, the PSF may be able to help you. The financial aid can cover some
or all of the following:
• Your registration for PyCon
• Your hotel room at the conference hotel
• Your flight or other transportation
Please see for
details & instructions. The deadline for applications is February …
[View More]11th.
Ted Pollari
PyCon 2008 Financial Aid Coordinator
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I am pleased to announce that PyCon 2008 registration is now open!
Early-bird registration is open until February 20, so there's one
month to register at the low rates. Regular on-line registration will
be available from February 21 through March 7.
PyCon 2008 will be held from March 13 through 20 in Chicago:
* Tutorials: Thursday, March 13
* Conference: Friday, March 14, through Sunday, March 16
* Sprints: Monday, March 17 through Thursday, …
[View More]March 20
Register early, especially if you'd like to attend a tutorial or
three, as tutorials fill up early. And yes, you heard that correctly
-- this year, we have three tutorial sessions: morning, afternoon, and
evening. There are 29 great tutorials to choose from. More about the
tutorials soon, but for now, you can check out the descriptions
yourself here:
The talk schedule is also up (in a preliminary form), although some
changes are expected:
Hotel reservations are also open:
The rate is $99/night plus tax ($112/night net), also until
February 20. More hotel information is here:
See the PyCon web site for complete details:
Thanks to the PyCon organizers for developing the software, providing
the website content, testing & debugging. PyCon is a community
conference, of, by, and for the Python community. There is still
much to do, and you can help!
See you in Chicago!
David Goodger
PyCon 2008 Chair
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