Hi Ned,
I noticed that when my talk was posted it was only the first few minutes,
then cut back in in the middle of me answering questions. My assumption
based on the speed and thoroughness with which other videos were posted is
there was some kind of technical difficulties and my talk is lost to the
ages, but I just wanted to check in case that's not true, or there's any
way I can get a copy of my talk, because I was surprised at how well
received my it was and really wanted to be able to link …
[View More]to it for the
advancement of my career.
The braggy explanation I've come up with is that I made the camera person
laugh so hard they accidentally shut off the camera, but I'd love to get
the real story.
Elizabeth Uselton
On Thu, May 12, 2016 at 8:47 AM, Ned Jackson Lovely <njl(a)njl.us> wrote:
> Hello PyCon Speaker!
> PyCon is almost upon us! In order to make sure your time at PyCon as
> a speaker is as smooth and enjoyable as possible, we have some
> organizational
> messages for you from the Captioning Coordinator and the Session Staff
> Chairs.
> Good luck with the final polishes to your talks and slides, and we look
> forward to
> seeing all of you in Portland in a few short weeks!
> Regards,
> Ned Jackson Lovely
> Program Committee Chair
> ===
> We are doing live captioning for the deaf and hard of hearing at PyCon
> again this year. For the caption writers to do their best work, it helps
> if they
> can review your presentation ahead of time.
> (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Communication_access_real-time_translation)
> Your slides will be used by the real-time closed caption writer to help
> pre-populate
> their dictionary with any obscure or technical terms you may be using. If
> you've
> selected "Release to SpeakerDeck" a volunteer will also upload your slides
> to
> the PyCon SpeakerDeck account.
> If you can, to make it easier on the writers, convert your slides to a PDF
> file. If
> your slides were made in a traditional presentation application like
> Powerpoint, Impress,
> or Keynote, and saving as PDF doesn't work properly, try to save in
> Powerpoint format,
> as the writers mostly use Windows OS.
> If your presentation is multi-file-e.g. an html-based presentation, please
> zip the
> presentation files and upload the zip file.
> Once your file(s) are ready to upload, please go to
> https://us.pycon.org/2016/slides
> You will need a user:pass to upload, it's
> pycon-slides:5UsfnTLSBdddd7gp4scPp3yh
> If you have questions, or problems, or need an alternate method to deliver
> the files, please contact the PyCon Audio Visual team at
> pycon-av(a)python.org.
> ===
> Critical Information:
> - Please be in the green room (room C122) at least 20 minutes before your
> talk for orientation (if you've spoken before, arriving 10 minutes
> before your
> talk is fine).
> - Please do not go directly to your talk's room! Going directly to your
> talk room
> without checking in at the Green Room will make the session staff sad
> and anxious.
> - The Green Room is yours for the duration of the conference. Please feel
> free to visit, use it as a quiet space to work on your talk, and make
> yourself
> comfortable here. We're here for you! Light snacks and refreshments will
> be
> available in the Green Room.
> Technical requirements:
> - The projectors will operate at a resolution of 1024x768.
> - Use high contrast colors and a very large font (minimum 24pt),
> especially for
> code samples, which can be hard to read. There are
> programming-talk-specific
> tips here:
> http://weareallaweso.me/for_speakers/practical-tips-for-creating-great-slid…
> - Each podium will have a single power outlet, AV adapters for VGA, HDMI,
> DVI,
> mini-dvi, and mini-hdmi.
> - Your runner will help you test your equipment in the Green Room (room
> C122) in
> advance of your talk.
> - If you need special equipment, audio connections, or other accommodations
> beyond this (for example, audio out, a demo table, etc), please let us
> know: pycon-greenroom(a)python.org
> Finally, it would be helpful (but not required) if you could add your phone
> number to your speaker profile: https://us.pycon.org/2016/profile/edit/
> -- this is
> only accessable to a handful of PyCon staff members, and will only be used
> if we
> can't find you before your talk or some other emergency.
> If you have any questions or concerns (... or compliments?) please don't
> hesitate
> to contact us: pycon-greenroom(a)python.org
> See you on the 30th!
> Julia Duimovich and David Wolever
> julia(a)pycon.ca / wolever(a)pycon.ca
> +1 (416) 906 0403
> ===
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