Sadly, this is not something we are setup to support from a network and AV
perspective. Please do submit this talk again next year.
On Fri, May 3, 2019 at 12:27 PM Madhav Datt <madhav.datt(a)> wrote:
> Dear PyCon Team,
> Hope things are going well with you! Unfortunately, due to cyclone Fani
> <…>
> hitting eastern India, the Kolkata airport has been shut down and all
> …
[View More]flights out of it (including mine) have been cancelled. Because of this, I
> wouldn't be able to make it to Cleveland in time for the conference.
> I am still incredibly excited about the opportunity to share my story and
> talk about how ML and Python are being used for social good, and so I was
> wondering if it might be possible for me to do my talk over Hangouts/Skype
> instead of in person, given these circumstances.
> Thank you so much - I really appreciate all your help and support
> throughout this process, and am extremely sorry about the whole situation.
> I was super excited about participating in PyCon, and am really looking
> forward to hearing from you.
> Best regards,
> Madhav
> On Mon, Apr 22, 2019 at 6:25 AM Pycon Program Committee <
> pycon-program-committee(a)> wrote:
>> Hello PyCon Speaker!
>> PyCon 2019 is almost upon us! In order to make sure your time at PyCon as
>> a speaker is as smooth and enjoyable as possible, we have some
>> organizational
>> messages for you from the PyCon Staff, Captioning Coordinator, and the
>> Session Staff
>> Chairs.
>> We have a presenters slack this year! You can join at
>> Good luck with the final polishes to your talks and slides, and we look
>> forward to
>> seeing all of you in Cleveland in a few short weeks!
>> Regards,
>> Jason Myers
>> Lorena Mesa
>> Jackie Kazil
>> Program Committee Chair
>> ===
>> Code of Conduct
>> We value the participation of each member of the Python community and
>> want all attendees and speakers to have an enjoyable and fulfilling
>> experience.
>> Please take some time to familiarize yourself with our Code of Conduct
>> published at
>> <>.
>> Your slides and conduct on stage must adhere to the PyCon Code of
>> Conduct. If during the course of your talk any slide, statement, or
>> behavior on stage violates our Code of Conduct the session runner or
>> session chair will alert you. If the violation persists or is a clear
>> breach of the Code of Conduct, your talk may be terminated by the PyCon
>> staff.
>> If you have any questions or concerns, please let us know! You can email
>> ernest(a) and/or ewa(a) with any feedback on the Code of
>> Conduct.
>> Sincerely,
>> Ernest W. Durbin III - Conference Chair
>> Ewa Jodlowska - Python Software Foundation Director of Operations
>> ===
>> Live Captioning
>> We are once again providing live captioning for the deaf and hard of
>> hearing at PyCon
>> this year. For the caption writers to do their best work, it helps if they
>> can review your presentation slides ahead of time.
>> (
>> )
>> Your slides will be used by the real-time closed caption writer to help
>> pre-populate
>> their dictionary with any obscure or technical terms you may be using. If
>> you've
>> selected "Release to SpeakerDeck" a volunteer will also upload your
>> slides to
>> the PyCon SpeakerDeck account after the conference has concluded.
>> If you can, to make it easier on the writers, convert your slides to a
>> PDF file. If
>> your slides were made in a traditional presentation application like
>> Powerpoint, Impress,
>> or Keynote, and saving as PDF doesn't work properly, try to save in
>> Powerpoint format,
>> as the writers mostly use Windows OS.
>> If your presentation is multifile -e.g. an HTML-based presentation,
>> please zip the
>> presentation files and upload the zip file.
>> Once your file(s) are ready to upload, please log into
>> You will find a link to upload your slides on your dashboard.
>> If you have questions, or problems, or need an alternate method to
>> deliver the files, please contact the PyCon Audio Visual team at
>> pycon-av(a)
>> ===
>> Speaker Logistics
>> Critical Information:
>> - Please be in the green room (Room 12 at the Huntington Convention
>> Center) at least 20 minutes before your talk for orientation (if you've
>> spoken before, arriving 10 minutes before your talk is fine).
>> - Please do not go directly to your talk's room! Going directly to your
>> talk checking in at the Green Room will make the session staff sad and
>> anxious.
>> - The Green Room is yours for the duration of the conference. Please feel
>> free to visit, use it as a quiet space to work on your talk, and make
>> yourself comfortable here. We're here for you! Light snacks and
>> refreshments will be available
>> in the Green Room.
>> Technical requirements:
>> - The projectors will operate at a resolution of 1920x1080 in 16:9 format.
>> - Use high contrast colors and a very large font (minimum 24pt),
>> especially for code samples, which can be hard to read. There are
>> programming-talk-specific
>> tips here:
>> - Each podium will have a single power outlet, AV adapters for USB-C,
>> VGA, HDMI, DVI, mini-DVI, and mini-HDMI.
>> - Your runner will help you test your equipment in the Green Room (room
>> 12) in advance of your talk.
>> - If you need special equipment, audio connections, or other
>> accommodations
>> beyond this (for example, audio out, a demo table, etc), please let us
>> know by April 26th: pycon-greenroom(a)
>> Finally, it would be helpful (but not required) if you could add your
>> phone number to your speaker profile:
>> <> -- this is
>> only accessible to a handful of PyCon staff members, and will only be
>> used if we
>> can't find you before your talk or some other emergency.
>> If you have any questions or concerns (... or compliments?) please don't
>> hesitate
>> to contact us: pycon-greenroom(a)
>> See you in May!
>> Julia Duimovich, Markus D. Sherman & Mike Perez
>> pycon-greenroom(a)
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