Sadly, this is not something we are setup to support from a network and AV perspective. Please do submit this talk again next year. On Fri, May 3, 2019 at 12:27 PM Madhav Datt <madhav.datt@hotmail.com> wrote:
Dear PyCon Team,
Hope things are going well with you! Unfortunately, due to cyclone Fani <https://edition.cnn.com/india/live-news/cyclone-fani-live-updates-wxc-intl/i...> hitting eastern India, the Kolkata airport has been shut down and all flights out of it (including mine) have been cancelled. Because of this, I wouldn't be able to make it to Cleveland in time for the conference.
I am still incredibly excited about the opportunity to share my story and talk about how ML and Python are being used for social good, and so I was wondering if it might be possible for me to do my talk over Hangouts/Skype instead of in person, given these circumstances.
Thank you so much - I really appreciate all your help and support throughout this process, and am extremely sorry about the whole situation. I was super excited about participating in PyCon, and am really looking forward to hearing from you.
Best regards, Madhav
On Mon, Apr 22, 2019 at 6:25 AM Pycon Program Committee < pycon-program-committee@python.org> wrote:
Hello PyCon Speaker!
PyCon 2019 is almost upon us! In order to make sure your time at PyCon as
a speaker is as smooth and enjoyable as possible, we have some organizational
messages for you from the PyCon Staff, Captioning Coordinator, and the Session Staff
We have a presenters slack this year! You can join at https://join.slack.com/t/pyconpresenters/shared_invite/enQtNjExMjI5NTIyNDUzL...
Good luck with the final polishes to your talks and slides, and we look forward to
seeing all of you in Cleveland in a few short weeks!
Jason Myers
Lorena Mesa
Jackie Kazil
Program Committee Chair
Code of Conduct
We value the participation of each member of the Python community and want all attendees and speakers to have an enjoyable and fulfilling experience.
Please take some time to familiarize yourself with our Code of Conduct published at https://us.pycon.org/2019/about/code-of-conduct/ <https://us.pycon.org/2018/about/code-of-conduct/>.
Your slides and conduct on stage must adhere to the PyCon Code of Conduct. If during the course of your talk any slide, statement, or behavior on stage violates our Code of Conduct the session runner or session chair will alert you. If the violation persists or is a clear breach of the Code of Conduct, your talk may be terminated by the PyCon staff.
If you have any questions or concerns, please let us know! You can email ernest@python.org and/or ewa@python.org with any feedback on the Code of Conduct.
Ernest W. Durbin III - Conference Chair
Ewa Jodlowska - Python Software Foundation Director of Operations
Live Captioning
We are once again providing live captioning for the deaf and hard of hearing at PyCon
this year. For the caption writers to do their best work, it helps if they
can review your presentation slides ahead of time.
(https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Communication_access_real-time_translation )
Your slides will be used by the real-time closed caption writer to help pre-populate
their dictionary with any obscure or technical terms you may be using. If you've
selected "Release to SpeakerDeck" a volunteer will also upload your slides to
the PyCon SpeakerDeck account after the conference has concluded.
If you can, to make it easier on the writers, convert your slides to a PDF file. If
your slides were made in a traditional presentation application like Powerpoint, Impress,
or Keynote, and saving as PDF doesn't work properly, try to save in Powerpoint format,
as the writers mostly use Windows OS.
If your presentation is multifile -e.g. an HTML-based presentation, please zip the
presentation files and upload the zip file.
Once your file(s) are ready to upload, please log into https://us.pycon.org/2019/#!
You will find a link to upload your slides on your dashboard.
If you have questions, or problems, or need an alternate method to deliver the files, please contact the PyCon Audio Visual team at pycon-av@python.org.
Speaker Logistics
Critical Information:
- Please be in the green room (Room 12 at the Huntington Convention Center) at least 20 minutes before your talk for orientation (if you've spoken before, arriving 10 minutes before your talk is fine).
- Please do not go directly to your talk's room! Going directly to your talk checking in at the Green Room will make the session staff sad and anxious.
- The Green Room is yours for the duration of the conference. Please feel free to visit, use it as a quiet space to work on your talk, and make yourself comfortable here. We're here for you! Light snacks and refreshments will be available
in the Green Room.
Technical requirements:
- The projectors will operate at a resolution of 1920x1080 in 16:9 format.
- Use high contrast colors and a very large font (minimum 24pt), especially for code samples, which can be hard to read. There are programming-talk-specific
tips here: http://weareallaweso.me/for_speakers/practical-tips-for-creating-great-slide...
- Each podium will have a single power outlet, AV adapters for USB-C, VGA, HDMI, DVI, mini-DVI, and mini-HDMI.
- Your runner will help you test your equipment in the Green Room (room 12) in advance of your talk.
- If you need special equipment, audio connections, or other accommodations
beyond this (for example, audio out, a demo table, etc), please let us know by April 26th: pycon-greenroom@python.org
Finally, it would be helpful (but not required) if you could add your phone number to your speaker profile: https://us.pycon.org/2019/speaker/edit/ <https://us.pycon.org/2018/speaker/edit/> -- this is
only accessible to a handful of PyCon staff members, and will only be used if we
can't find you before your talk or some other emergency.
If you have any questions or concerns (... or compliments?) please don't hesitate
to contact us: pycon-greenroom@python.org
See you in May!
Julia Duimovich, Markus D. Sherman & Mike Perez
participants (1)
Jason Myers