Dear Python User:
Following my last message, I am pleased to be able to
announce that you can register for PyCon DC 2005 on the
web at
starting at 1700 EST today (December 23). Thanks to
George Belotsky of Open Light Software for assistance
in preparing the credit card processing software.
As always, further information about PyCon is available
in the usual places:
I look …
[View More]forward to meeting you at PyCON DC 2005. In the
meantime please let me offer my best wishes for a
happy and peaceful holiday season.
Steve Holden
Chairman, PyCON DC 2005
PyCon DC 2005: The third Python Community Conference
The scoop on Python implementations and applications
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Dear Python User:
I wonder if you would be kind enough to take the time to
read this email and help us to publicize PyCon DC 2005,
being held March 23-26 at the Cafritz Conference Center of
George Washington University.
The Call for Participation went out some time ago, but it
is a good time to remind people that the deadline for
submissions is December 31. If you personally are thinking
of submitting a paper then this can be a reminder to do so
We already have acceptances from two …
[View More]keynote speakers, and
hope to announce them when a third is finalised shortly.
As always you can find out about the conference at
This year we are going to be able to accept credit card
payments for the first time, which we hope will be more
convenient for delegates.
The registration fees this year are the same as for 2004:
Early Bird (to Jan 22) $175 ($125 student)
Regular (to Mar 19) $250 ($175 student)
On-Site $300 ($225 student)
A further announcment will be made when the registration
site opens for business. In the meantime I would appreciate
your assistance in posting this message via any channels you
know of that have an interest in the Python language and its
applications - publicity is the key to getting the most
diverse group of people at PyCon.
Steve Holden
Chairman, PyCON DC 2005
PyCon DC 2005: The third Python Community Conference
The scoop on Python implementations and applications
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