Don't forget to book your hotel room for PyCon 2007!
The special PyCon room rates at the Dallas/Addison Marriott Quorum are
US$79/night for 1-2 people, and US$89/night for 3-4 people; there's an
additional hotel tax of 13% on top of this rate. This rate is only
available until February 1st.
To register online, use the hotel's special event page for PyCon:
If you're looking for a roommate to reduce your costs, see the Room
Splitting wiki page:
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Andrew M. Kuchling
Co-chair, PyCon 2007
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The Python Software Foundation has allocated some funds to help people
attend PyCon 2007. If you'd like to come to PyCon but can't afford
it, maybe the PSF can help you. The funding can cover any or all of:
* Your registration for PyCon
* Your hotel room at the conference hotel
* Your flight or other transportation
To apply, send e-mail to <pycon at>. Please state your
name, location, and what you would like to have funded. If you want
assistance with your transportation …
[View More]costs, please provide a rough
estimate (say, to the nearest US$100) of how much a round-trip will
You should also say why you should come to PyCon, and what you'll be
doing. We don't need an essay, but please provide a few sentences of
explanation. Priority will be given to people who can contribute
significantly to PyCon or to Python, e.g. students working on a task,
conference speakers, sprint leaders or developers critical to a
sprint, or people doing public service work with Python.
Messages must be received by January 19 2007. Upon receiving your
message, we'll send you a notice of receipt. The PSF's Conference
Committee and I will discuss the applications and allocate funding to
a subset of the applicants. You should be notified of
acceptance/rejection by January 28 2007.
Cost notes: PyCon registration is US$195. Hotel rooms are around
$90/night; about $300 for the duration of the conference, $700 for
conference + sprints. The hotel cost can be lower if you find someone
(or two or three) to share a room with; this is encouraged. The PSF
can't cover your meals during the conference, or registration fees for
We will try to maximize the benefit of the funding, so three people
who need small amounts are more likely to be funded than one person
who needs a large amount. To improve your chances, please try to
request the minimum amount of funding you need to attend PyCon.
David Goodger
PyCon 2007 Funding Coordinator
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