The PyCon organizers are excited to announce the start of the PyCon
2010 planning process!
Even more importantly, we're looking for motivated local groups to
spearhead this volunteer-run, community-based conference.
In years past, the locale for the next year was arranged about a year
in advance. That worked while we were a smaller conference with many
venues to choose from. PyCon 2008, to be held soon in the Chicago
area, has over 950 registered attendees at this time. That is over …
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and a half times the number of attendees from just the year before!
We're excited to see PyCon grow, but it also means that how we plan
PyCon needs to change just a little bit.
The first change is a change in the timeline. Starting with PyCon
2010, we're aiming to begin planning two years ahead. To help us do
that, PyCon 2009 will also be held in the Chicago area, at the same
venue as 2008.
The second change is that the bid process will not be as detail-heavy
and will not demand as much initial work by local groups. Instead,
we're focusing on the heart and soul of PyCon: the community of
volunteers -- we're looking to find excited and committed groups who
want to be the backbone of PyCon 2010. The details will be worked out
in a collaborative process, with local groups working in conjunction
the volunteer PyCon organizers and the Python Software Foundation's
Conference Committee.
Still interested? Curious? Do you want PyCon 2010 hosted in your area?
Here's what to do:
• Form a group of people interested in helping with the conference
• If you're attending PyCon 2008, join us for a kick-off meeting over
lunch on Saturday, March 15th.
• Make sure at least one person from your group is on the PyCon
organizer's list[1] and, as soon as possible, announce your interest
in submitting a bid on the list. This process should be viewed as
cooperative -- we're here to help and encourage any group that wants
to take on hosting PyCon.
• Finally, assemble your official bid, referring to the PyCon Bid
Guidelines [2] for information and deadlines and submit it to the
PyCon organizer's list before the deadline listed in the PyCon Bid
Guidelines. Posting your bid to a publicly viewable website wouldn't
be a bad idea either...
If you have any questions or need any help, feel free to email the
organizer's list and ask away!
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