Hi Felix - 

Thanks so much for working on this this weekend. Here is our YouTube link: https://www.youtube.com/c/PyCon2016. I am adding the maps in now... I am attaching the full scale map for the record, but I will crop it up for the guide just like we did in 2015. 

Best regards,

Director of Operations
Python Software Foundation
Cell: 415-319-5237

On Sat, May 14, 2016 at 12:42 PM, Felix Crux <felixc@felixcrux.com> wrote:
Hey all,

On Mon, Apr 11 02:14, Ewa Jodlowska wrote:
> On Sun, Apr 10, 2016 at 12:11 PM, Felix Crux <felixc@felixcrux.com> wrote:
> > 1) Venue floor plan. I know you're already working on this since you
> > mentioned it in a previous email, but I'm listing it here for completeness.
> >
> Yes and as soon as it is done, I will send it to you. It looks like
> Guidebook will be able to add location markers for all of the talks and
> sessions so then people can see a geo marks for the places they want to go.

Has the venue map been finalized? All the locations are in Guidebook now, I
think, but the maps are last year's, so they don't quite work :)

> > 3) YouTube page URL. I'm guessing this hasn't been set up yet, but it
> > would be great if we could link to it before the conference, so people know
> > where to check once videos start being uploaded.
> >
> I have asked David for a new URL and will send soon.

Any word from David on this too?
