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You are registered as a CC on this help desk request (support.guidebook.com/hc/requests/43389).
Reply to this email to add a comment to the request.
Other ccs: Pycon-mobile-guide
| Evan Bremble (Guidebook) May 9, 1:32 PM PDT |
| Ewa Jodlowska May 9, 12:37 PM PDT |
| Evan Bremble (Guidebook) May 9, 12:11 PM PDT |
| Ewa Jodlowska May 9, 12:09 PM PDT |
This email is a service from Guidebook. Delivered by
Great to hear your all set here! I’m going to mark this ticket as “closed” (for organizational purposes). Should you need any further assistance, don’t hesitate to reach out, and our team will be happy to help!
Also, in about an hour, you’ll receive a survey asking you to rate my service. If you have a spare moment, I’d love to hear your feedback; our team thrives on user comments, and we’re always looking to improve the Guidebook experience.
Thanks so much, and have a terrific rest of your day!
Evan Bremble
Senior Customer Service Representative
Raleigh, NC Office