[Guidebook] Update: Intro to Guide Building Team!

##- Please type your reply above this line -## You are registered as a CC on this help desk request (support.guidebook.com/hc/requests/26702). Reply to this email to add a comment to the request. Other ccs: Felix Crux, Katie Herrgesell, Pycon-mobile-guide ---------------------------------------------- Carmen Kuncz, Apr 11, 12:17 PM Hi Felix, Great to hear! For line breaks please you \<br\> for single breaks and \<br\>\<br\> for double. Unfortunately our software does not allow for us to included bolded formatting. However, I dont see any bolded text in the files you have sent me so far? I only see the need for line breaks? Once I have the updated materials (the schedule is complete so that is not necessary), the process for me uploaded the content shouldn't take very long! Thank you! Best, Carmen Carmen Kuncz Customer Success Associate Guidebook ---------------------------------------------- Felix Crux, Apr 11, 12:14 PM No problem; I'll get that to you ASAP. Would it be better to use line breaks (<br>) or paragraphs (<p>)? If it doesn't matter I'll likely go with paragraphs. What about other formatting, like Markdown headings; should they be turned into <h1>s etc? Bolded text that's currently **like this** into <strong> or <b>? Or is everything else fine? Cheers, -- Felix -- Felix ---------------------------------------------- Carmen Kuncz, Apr 11, 11:19 AM Hi Felix, I have been working on the guide but have run into a bit of a time consuming task. For our templates, in order to maintain the format we need to add html tags for the line breaks. Is there anyway for you to pull the descriptions, abstracts,presenter information, etc for each list with html tags? I just completed the schedule but it required me manually adding tags to each individual item description which is quite a time consuming task. I will continue to work on maintaining the format and I appreciate your patience. If there is anyway we can get the html format within the descriptions please let me know as this would be extraordinarily helpful. Best, Carmen Carmen Kuncz Customer Success Associate Guidebook ---------------------------------------------- Felix Crux, Apr 10, 10:01 AM Hi again! Please find attached the latest version of the data for the guide. Is there an ETA on when we could start playing around with a rough draft? It would be helpful even if it's in an incomplete state, since it would let us figure out what we might be overlooking. Currently I don't see anything for this year when I log on to https://builder.guidebook.com/#/guides/. There are a number of changes in this version of the data: * New sponsors: Flowroute and Netflix. * Sponsor logo changed: House Canary. * New/updated sponsor tutorials. * Schedules now show actual room to be used, not just e.g. "Session A". * Speaker bios added/updated. Let me know if you need anything! Cheers, -- Felix Attachment(s): pycon-2016-guidebook-data.zip - https://support.guidebook.com/attachments/token/2uWGc5671n04hU0vFfPoILTm3/?n... ---------------------------------------------- Carmen Kuncz, Apr 4, 10:02 AM Hi Felix, Thank you for sending this along! I will take a look at everything and start working on inputing this information to the guide within the next few days! I will reach out if I have any questions! Best, Carmen Carmen Kuncz Customer Success Associate Guidebook ---------------------------------------------- Felix Crux, Apr 3, 7:01 PM Hi Carmen, Please find attached an initial attempt at bundling up all the content into a usable export. I hope it's workable enough to get things going, but I'll follow up shortly with whatever is else is needed. The attached zip file should contain comma-separated (.csv) files with the details of all the talks, speakers, etc. The first line of each file has headings describing what each column is. Note that some rows (particularly speaker bios and talk descriptions) contain embedded newlines, but all of those entries should additionally be enclosed in double quotation marks. The files are UTF-8 encoded, and several of the speakers do have names containing non-ASCII characters like 'Ł', 'é', etc, so that's worth watching out for. There are also logo images for all the sponsors in the zip file. *Talk descriptions are currently exported as raw, unprocessed, Markdown*. I'm not sure what kind of formatting Guidebook supports, so I've left that as-is for now. If there's something more useful I can convert it to, just let me know. I do think we'll want to figure out how to process that formatting and get it reflected in the app, though. There's currently nothing in the data export that *links speakers to their talks*, which I know the app can do. If there's some data format that can be bulk-imported to your systems to get that automatically, just let me know and I'd be happy to work on it. In previous years, however, we just linked them up manually. Please don't hesitate to *let me know if there's any way I can process or rework the data* to make it easier for you/your tools to work with -- the nice thing about being a programming conference is we're generally happy to build our own tools to make things simpler! I would much rather put in the work on my end to automate whatever data processing you need to make it possible to bulk-upload changes, instead of having you or me need to go in and fix things manually one-by-one. At present, this is the* list of issues/missing data *that I'm aware of and am working on: * Keynote speakers are not included in the speaker bios. * Plenary sessions (e.g. keynotes, opening remarks) are just listed as "plenary" with no description in the schedule. * Special events (e.g. PyLadies auction, 5K run, dinners) are not included in the schedule (special_events_schedule.csv is empty). * Meals/breaks show up once per track/room, but they really should just be listed once. * "Special" pages such as venue information, code of conduct, etc. may need to be input manually - I don't mind doing it. * Speaker photos are not included (maybe that's OK -- we didn't have them last year either). * As mentioned earlier, some text is in raw Markdown; and I don't know if that's a format Guidebook can ingest. * Floor plan map is on its way, and we'll need to link talks to the room they're in. * Some general information still TBD; I will get it to you ASAP (see below). Finally, here's the *info your requested in in the Guide Basics spreadsheet*: Guide Name: PyCon 2016 Guide Start Date: 2016-05-28 Guide End Date: 2016-06-05 Timezone: Pacific Daylight Time (PDT) (UTC -7) General Information, Venue, Icon, Cover Image, Maps: I will get these to you ASAP, or just fill them in myself and let you know. Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/us.pycon.org Twitter: https://twitter.com/pycon YouTube: Not set up yet, will let you know Photos: No (I think, for now at least) RSS Feed: http://pycon.blogspot.com/feeds/posts/default?alt=rss Homepage: https://us.pycon.org/2016/ Feedback/Surveys: I believe we'll use this, but I don't think the survey has been designed yet. Will get it to you. Notifications: Sure, let's have this. My Schedule: Definitely want this feature. Notes: Sounds good. Live polling: I don't think we'll use this. All right, I think that's most of it for now? Sorry for the enormous email; I'm trying to be very thorough both to keep everyone in the loop and to remind myself of exactly what work I still need to do! Again, please don't hesitate to let me know if I can change or process the data in any way to make it easier for you, or if anything in the export looks weird -- it's all automated, so it's entirely possible something broken snuck through without human review. Cheers; all the best! -- Felix Attachment(s): pycon-2016-guidebook-data.zip - https://support.guidebook.com/attachments/token/zBF5xbh7MnXVep59QaASzZqyp/?n... ---------------------------------------------- Carmen Kuncz, Mar 30, 12:18 PM Hi Ewa, No rush on getting the content to me! I just didn't want to miss a deadline for you! Please send me the content as you get it! Reach out if you have any questions! Best, Carmen Carmen Kuncz Customer Success Associate Guidebook ---------------------------------------------- Ewa Jodlowska, Mar 30, 11:08 AM Hi Carmen, Thank you for checking in! I am not yet ready to start this yet. I will begin the process on Friday of this week and I will ping you if there are any questions. Best regards, Ewa Director of Operations Python Software Foundation Cell: 415-319-5237 ---------------------------------------------- Carmen Kuncz, Mar 30, 11:00 AM Hi Ewa, Just checking in again to see if you have any guide content for me? I know we were initially shooting for an April 1st internal launch date! Please let me know! Best, Carmen Carmen Kuncz Customer Success Associate Guidebook ---------------------------------------------- Carmen Kuncz, Mar 21, 10:06 AM Hi Ewa, Just checking in to see if you have any content for me to start building your guide? Let me know, I am excited to get started on this! Best, Carmen Carmen Kuncz Customer Success Associate Guidebook ---------------------------------------------- Ewa Jodlowska, Feb 17, 2:01 PM Yes, that is my cell phone number. Talk to you tomorrow! Best regards, Ewa Director of Operations Python Software Foundation Cell: 415-319-5237 ---------------------------------------------- Carmen Kuncz, Feb 17, 1:58 PM Hi Ewa, 1 PM PST tomorrow will work great! Can I call you on the cell phone number you have listed below? If not please let me know which number is best to reach you at! Looking forward to our call! Best, Carmen Carmen Kuncz Customer Success Associate Guidebook ---------------------------------------------- Ewa Jodlowska, Feb 17, 1:50 PM Hi Carmen, Let's chat at 1pm PT tomorrow. Have a good afternoon! Best regards, Ewa Director of Operations Python Software Foundation Cell: 415-319-5237 ---------------------------------------------- Carmen Kuncz, Feb 17, 1:25 PM Hi Ewa, Are you possibly available tomorrow? I am free to speak anytime between 10 AM PST to 4PM PST. Let me know! Best, Carmen Carmen Kuncz Customer Success Associate Guidebook ---------------------------------------------- Ewa Jodlowska, Feb 17, 12:22 PM Hi Carmen, Are you available this afternoon? I am available any time now until about 4pm CT. Best regards, Ewa Director of Operations Python Software Foundation Cell: 415-319-5237 ---------------------------------------------- Carmen Kuncz, Feb 17, 10:55 AM Hi Ewa, It's great to e-meet you! My name is Carmen, and I'll be working with you to create your guide. Lets start by scheduling a call to discuss your guide. This will help me get a good vision for your guide as well as to propose a tentative timeline for an on-time release! Please let me know your availability so we can schedule a time! I have attached a Guide Basics Spreadsheet (will appear as a link). Please take a brief look at it before our call! I'm very excited to get started! Let me know your availability and if you have any questions, feel free to reply to this thread (rather than creating a new ticket -- things can get messy rather fast). You can also call my direct extension at 650-319-7233 ext. 222. Thanks again, and I look forward to hearing back from you! Best, Carmen Carmen Kuncz Customer Success Associate Guidebook Attachment(s): Guide_Basics.xls - https://support.guidebook.com/attachments/token/Cpp6495RhyUf0XiLYDcLQL8hh/?n... ---------------------------------------------- Katie Herrgesell, Feb 17, 10:46 AM Hi Ewa, I would like to introduce you to our awesome guide building team! They are the experts that will handle the data entry for you, and will work to create an easy to use event guide. I have shared your event information with the customer success team, and someone will be contacting you within one business day to get started on your guide. Good luck! Best, Katie -- Katie Herrgesell Sr. Corporate Account Manager Office: 650.319.7233 ext 126 Mobile: 216.570.0531 www.guidebook.com -------------------------------- This email is a service from Guidebook. [N2DQPZ-696N]

Sounds good; I'll switch all newlines to <br>s. The reason I ask about bold etc. is that currently all descriptions (talks, speakers, tutorials, all of them) are in a text-based format called Markdown (but I'd be happy to convert it to whatever works for you). Markdown looks very much like plain text (it's meant to), but it actually contains formatting instructions. For example, italics are denoted by surrounding text in asterisks *like this*, and **double asterisks** mean bold. There's also stuff like links, and headings, which look like: ### I'm a heading! You can see some examples of this in the tutorials_schedule.csv file. Check out the tutorial called "Making an Impact with Python Natural Language Processing Tools". You can see how it looks online here: https://us.pycon.org/2016/schedule/presentation/1778/ Note how the description contains text like: ### Python Development Environment and how that becomes a headline on the web page. There are also links, like the one that reads: "[Python](http://python.org)". Finally, there's text that shows up in a fixed-width font using backticks (`), like `virtualenv`. Those examples would typically be translated into HTML tags like <h3>, <a>, and <pre> or <code>. If you can summarize for me what formatting exactly the app can handle, I can convert everything to use it. For things that aren't supported (like bold) I'll at least remove the extra stuff, so we don't get silly double-asterisks in the app text. Sorry for the mixup; I don't know what formatting the app can use, so I left everything in Markdown and mentioned it in the original email. I'd be happy to convert it to whatever works! Cheers, -- Felix On Mon, Apr 11 07:17, Carmen Kuncz (Guidebook) wrote:
##- Please type your reply above this line -##
You are registered as a CC on this help desk request (support.guidebook.com/hc/requests/26702). Reply to this email to add a comment to the request. Other ccs: Felix Crux, Katie Herrgesell, Pycon-mobile-guide ----------------------------------------------
Carmen Kuncz, Apr 11, 12:17 PM
Hi Felix,
Great to hear! For line breaks please you \<br\> for single breaks and \<br\>\<br\> for double. Unfortunately our software does not allow for us to included bolded formatting. However, I dont see any bolded text in the files you have sent me so far? I only see the need for line breaks?
Once I have the updated materials (the schedule is complete so that is not necessary), the process for me uploaded the content shouldn't take very long!
Thank you!
Carmen Kuncz Customer Success Associate Guidebook
Felix Crux, Apr 11, 12:14 PM
No problem; I'll get that to you ASAP. Would it be better to use line breaks (<br>) or paragraphs (<p>)? If it doesn't matter I'll likely go with paragraphs.
What about other formatting, like Markdown headings; should they be turned into <h1>s etc? Bolded text that's currently **like this** into <strong> or <b>? Or is everything else fine?
-- Felix
-- Felix
Carmen Kuncz, Apr 11, 11:19 AM
Hi Felix,
I have been working on the guide but have run into a bit of a time consuming task. For our templates, in order to maintain the format we need to add html tags for the line breaks. Is there anyway for you to pull the descriptions, abstracts,presenter information, etc for each list with html tags? I just completed the schedule but it required me manually adding tags to each individual item description which is quite a time consuming task.
I will continue to work on maintaining the format and I appreciate your patience. If there is anyway we can get the html format within the descriptions please let me know as this would be extraordinarily helpful.
Carmen Kuncz Customer Success Associate Guidebook
Felix Crux, Apr 10, 10:01 AM
Hi again!
Please find attached the latest version of the data for the guide.
Is there an ETA on when we could start playing around with a rough draft? It would be helpful even if it's in an incomplete state, since it would let us figure out what we might be overlooking. Currently I don't see anything for this year when I log on to https://builder.guidebook.com/#/guides/.
There are a number of changes in this version of the data: * New sponsors: Flowroute and Netflix. * Sponsor logo changed: House Canary. * New/updated sponsor tutorials. * Schedules now show actual room to be used, not just e.g. "Session A". * Speaker bios added/updated.
Let me know if you need anything! Cheers,
-- Felix
Attachment(s): pycon-2016-guidebook-data.zip - https://support.guidebook.com/attachments/token/2uWGc5671n04hU0vFfPoILTm3/?n...
Carmen Kuncz, Apr 4, 10:02 AM
Hi Felix,
Thank you for sending this along! I will take a look at everything and start working on inputing this information to the guide within the next few days!
I will reach out if I have any questions!
Carmen Kuncz Customer Success Associate Guidebook
Felix Crux, Apr 3, 7:01 PM
Hi Carmen,
Please find attached an initial attempt at bundling up all the content into a usable export. I hope it's workable enough to get things going, but I'll follow up shortly with whatever is else is needed.
The attached zip file should contain comma-separated (.csv) files with the details of all the talks, speakers, etc. The first line of each file has headings describing what each column is. Note that some rows (particularly speaker bios and talk descriptions) contain embedded newlines, but all of those entries should additionally be enclosed in double quotation marks. The files are UTF-8 encoded, and several of the speakers do have names containing non-ASCII characters like 'Ł', 'é', etc, so that's worth watching out for. There are also logo images for all the sponsors in the zip file.
*Talk descriptions are currently exported as raw, unprocessed, Markdown*. I'm not sure what kind of formatting Guidebook supports, so I've left that as-is for now. If there's something more useful I can convert it to, just let me know. I do think we'll want to figure out how to process that formatting and get it reflected in the app, though.
There's currently nothing in the data export that *links speakers to their talks*, which I know the app can do. If there's some data format that can be bulk-imported to your systems to get that automatically, just let me know and I'd be happy to work on it. In previous years, however, we just linked them up manually.
Please don't hesitate to *let me know if there's any way I can process or rework the data* to make it easier for you/your tools to work with -- the nice thing about being a programming conference is we're generally happy to build our own tools to make things simpler! I would much rather put in the work on my end to automate whatever data processing you need to make it possible to bulk-upload changes, instead of having you or me need to go in and fix things manually one-by-one.
At present, this is the* list of issues/missing data *that I'm aware of and am working on: * Keynote speakers are not included in the speaker bios. * Plenary sessions (e.g. keynotes, opening remarks) are just listed as "plenary" with no description in the schedule. * Special events (e.g. PyLadies auction, 5K run, dinners) are not included in the schedule (special_events_schedule.csv is empty). * Meals/breaks show up once per track/room, but they really should just be listed once. * "Special" pages such as venue information, code of conduct, etc. may need to be input manually - I don't mind doing it. * Speaker photos are not included (maybe that's OK -- we didn't have them last year either). * As mentioned earlier, some text is in raw Markdown; and I don't know if that's a format Guidebook can ingest. * Floor plan map is on its way, and we'll need to link talks to the room they're in. * Some general information still TBD; I will get it to you ASAP (see below).
Finally, here's the *info your requested in in the Guide Basics spreadsheet*: Guide Name: PyCon 2016 Guide Start Date: 2016-05-28 Guide End Date: 2016-06-05 Timezone: Pacific Daylight Time (PDT) (UTC -7) General Information, Venue, Icon, Cover Image, Maps: I will get these to you ASAP, or just fill them in myself and let you know. Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/us.pycon.org Twitter: https://twitter.com/pycon YouTube: Not set up yet, will let you know Photos: No (I think, for now at least) RSS Feed: http://pycon.blogspot.com/feeds/posts/default?alt=rss Homepage: https://us.pycon.org/2016/ Feedback/Surveys: I believe we'll use this, but I don't think the survey has been designed yet. Will get it to you. Notifications: Sure, let's have this. My Schedule: Definitely want this feature. Notes: Sounds good. Live polling: I don't think we'll use this.
All right, I think that's most of it for now? Sorry for the enormous email; I'm trying to be very thorough both to keep everyone in the loop and to remind myself of exactly what work I still need to do!
Again, please don't hesitate to let me know if I can change or process the data in any way to make it easier for you, or if anything in the export looks weird -- it's all automated, so it's entirely possible something broken snuck through without human review.
Cheers; all the best!
-- Felix
Attachment(s): pycon-2016-guidebook-data.zip - https://support.guidebook.com/attachments/token/zBF5xbh7MnXVep59QaASzZqyp/?n...
Carmen Kuncz, Mar 30, 12:18 PM
Hi Ewa,
No rush on getting the content to me! I just didn't want to miss a deadline for you! Please send me the content as you get it! Reach out if you have any questions!
Carmen Kuncz Customer Success Associate Guidebook
Ewa Jodlowska, Mar 30, 11:08 AM
Hi Carmen,
Thank you for checking in!
I am not yet ready to start this yet. I will begin the process on Friday of this week and I will ping you if there are any questions.
Best regards,
Ewa Director of Operations Python Software Foundation Cell: 415-319-5237
Carmen Kuncz, Mar 30, 11:00 AM
Hi Ewa,
Just checking in again to see if you have any guide content for me? I know we were initially shooting for an April 1st internal launch date!
Please let me know!
Carmen Kuncz Customer Success Associate Guidebook
Carmen Kuncz, Mar 21, 10:06 AM
Hi Ewa,
Just checking in to see if you have any content for me to start building your guide? Let me know, I am excited to get started on this!
Carmen Kuncz Customer Success Associate Guidebook
Ewa Jodlowska, Feb 17, 2:01 PM
Yes, that is my cell phone number. Talk to you tomorrow!
Best regards,
Ewa Director of Operations Python Software Foundation Cell: 415-319-5237
Carmen Kuncz, Feb 17, 1:58 PM
Hi Ewa,
1 PM PST tomorrow will work great! Can I call you on the cell phone number you have listed below? If not please let me know which number is best to reach you at!
Looking forward to our call!
Carmen Kuncz Customer Success Associate Guidebook
Ewa Jodlowska, Feb 17, 1:50 PM
Hi Carmen,
Let's chat at 1pm PT tomorrow.
Have a good afternoon!
Best regards,
Ewa Director of Operations Python Software Foundation Cell: 415-319-5237
Carmen Kuncz, Feb 17, 1:25 PM
Hi Ewa,
Are you possibly available tomorrow? I am free to speak anytime between 10 AM PST to 4PM PST. Let me know!
Carmen Kuncz Customer Success Associate Guidebook
Ewa Jodlowska, Feb 17, 12:22 PM
Hi Carmen,
Are you available this afternoon? I am available any time now until about 4pm CT.
Best regards,
Ewa Director of Operations Python Software Foundation Cell: 415-319-5237
Carmen Kuncz, Feb 17, 10:55 AM
Hi Ewa,
It's great to e-meet you! My name is Carmen, and I'll be working with you to create your guide. Lets start by scheduling a call to discuss your guide. This will help me get a good vision for your guide as well as to propose a tentative timeline for an on-time release! Please let me know your availability so we can schedule a time!
I have attached a Guide Basics Spreadsheet (will appear as a link). Please take a brief look at it before our call!
I'm very excited to get started! Let me know your availability and if you have any questions, feel free to reply to this thread (rather than creating a new ticket -- things can get messy rather fast). You can also call my direct extension at 650-319-7233 ext. 222. Thanks again, and I look forward to hearing back from you!
Carmen Kuncz Customer Success Associate Guidebook
Attachment(s): Guide_Basics.xls - https://support.guidebook.com/attachments/token/Cpp6495RhyUf0XiLYDcLQL8hh/?n...
Katie Herrgesell, Feb 17, 10:46 AM
Hi Ewa,
I would like to introduce you to our awesome guide building team! They are the experts that will handle the data entry for you, and will work to create an easy to use event guide. I have shared your event information with the customer success team, and someone will be contacting you within one business day to get started on your guide. Good luck!
-- Katie Herrgesell Sr. Corporate Account Manager Office: 650.319.7233 ext 126 Mobile: 216.570.0531 www.guidebook.com
-------------------------------- This email is a service from Guidebook.

##- Please type your reply above this line -## You are registered as a CC on this help desk request (support.guidebook.com/hc/requests/26702). Reply to this email to add a comment to the request. Other ccs: Felix Crux, Katie Herrgesell, Pycon-mobile-guide ---------------------------------------------- Carmen Kuncz, Apr 26, 2:01 PM Hi Ewa, I have changed it to "http://guidebook.com/g/pycon2016" please let me know if you would like it change it to something else! Best, Carmen Carmen Kuncz Customer Success Associate Guidebook ---------------------------------------------- Ewa Jodlowska, Apr 26, 11:47 AM Hi Carmen - I tried to download the poster for Guidebook promotion but the link is super long. Is there a way to shorten it? I am attaching an image of what it looks like now. Best regards, Ewa Director of Operations Python Software Foundation Cell: 415-319-5237 Attachment(s): Screen Shot 2016-04-26 at 1.45.50 PM.png - https://support.guidebook.com/attachments/token/iaSl7nrPA5v9029GQ3iivK5RZ/?n... ---------------------------------------------- Carmen Kuncz, Apr 26, 10:55 AM Hi Felix and Ewa, Yes, you can already use the promote section! Please send along anything else you would like me to add. I only have to upload the "presentations" folder that was sent, everything else should be done! Felix, we have a linking template that will make it easy on my end! I will reach out if I run into any issues and need assistance! Best, Carmen Carmen Kuncz Customer Success Associate Guidebook ---------------------------------------------- Ewa Jodlowska, Apr 25, 6:09 PM Thanks Carmen! I can confirm I've now got access (had to click "accept" on the invitation in the top right dropdown menu). I'll look through it over the next few days and let you know if anything comes up. I'll also get you new cover art & venue details to replace last year's. FYI - I updated the cover art. Feel free to improve upon it though :) ---------------------------------------------- Ewa Jodlowska, Apr 25, 6:01 PM Hi Carmen, Thanks for the new link. I am able to view the 2016 guide. Is it OK to already the "promote" section? This way I can print the posters for onsite. Best regards, Ewa Director of Operations Python Software Foundation Cell: 415-319-5237 ---------------------------------------------- Felix Crux, Apr 25, 5:57 PM Thanks Carmen! I can confirm I've now got access (had to click "accept" on the invitation in the top right dropdown menu). I'll look through it over the next few days and let you know if anything comes up. I'll also get you new cover art & venue details to replace last year's. I know I asked about this in the original email, but is there anything I can do to make it easier to link speakers to their talks? Last year I did it manually, but if there's something I can provide like a spreadsheet in a certain format, I'd be happy to do so. Otherwise I guess they'll need to be done by hand? Cheers, ---------------------------------------------- Carmen Kuncz, Apr 25, 3:31 PM Hi Ewa and Felix, I just sent you both invitations to be admins on the guide. Our new website is builder.guidebook.com, please refrain from using gears! Please let me know if you have any questions! I should have the last bit of content uploaded soon! Best, Carmen Carmen Kuncz Customer Success Associate Guidebook ---------------------------------------------- Ewa Jodlowska, Apr 25, 12:09 PM Hi Carmen, Thank you for working on this. I have an account on https://gears.guidebook.com/ and so does Felix. Mine is under ewa@python.org and I believe Felix's is under felixc@felixcrux.com. Best regards, Ewa Director of Operations Python Software Foundation Cell: 415-319-5237 ---------------------------------------------- Carmen Kuncz, Apr 22, 12:26 PM Hi Ewa and Felix, The guide has been update with all content sent with the exception of the "presentations" folder. I hope to have this last part of the guide done soon! Are either one of you familiar with Builder and or have an account within it? Please let me know so I can get you set up with how to preview the guide! Best, Carmen Carmen Kuncz Customer Success Associate Guidebook ---------------------------------------------- Carmen Kuncz, Apr 21, 4:04 PM Hi Ewa, I am still working on the guide. There is a mix of last year and this year's stuff on it. I will work on trying to get you access to the guide tomorrow! Best, Carmen Carmen Kuncz Customer Success Associate Guidebook ---------------------------------------------- Ewa Jodlowska, Apr 21, 7:55 AM Hi Carmen, Can we access our guide in gears yet? I would love to be able to access to Guidebook promotional material as I am working on printing signs for our conference this week. Best regards, Ewa Director of Operations Python Software Foundation Cell: 415-319-5237 ---------------------------------------------- Carmen Kuncz, Apr 14, 12:10 PM Hi Felix, Thank you so much for getting this back to me! I am going to start uploading this content! I hope a preview will be available for you within the next couple days! I will keep you updated on my progress and let you know if I run into any problems with the HTML! Thanks again! Best, Carmen Carmen Kuncz Customer Success Associate Guidebook ---------------------------------------------- Felix Crux, Apr 13, 5:24 PM All right; that should do it! Attached is the latest version of the data. The most notable change is of course that all the Markdown has been converted to HTML. There are a few other things included too: * New posters: "Building Python with Gradle" and "The Breathing Earth" * New bios: Gina Schmalzle and Stephen Holsapple * New sponsor: Heroku * Updated sponsor logos for Clover Health, PDT, and Keystone * Several updated talk descriptions and speaker bios How does it look? Let me know if any of the formatting is causing trouble, and I'd be happy to tweak it some more. Approximately when could we start playing around with a preview of the guide? Thanks! -- Felix Attachment(s): pycon-2016-guidebook-data.zip - https://support.guidebook.com/attachments/token/vTYger3KM5atGgaGyejyfxn1z/?n... ---------------------------------------------- Carmen Kuncz, Apr 11, 5:21 PM Hi Felix, Great thank you so much! I very much appreciate it. I just had a conversation with my manager about the html tags and he warned me that italics and u are currently not working on our software. Sorry for the conflicting information! Thank you! Carmen Carmen Kuncz Customer Success Associate Guidebook ---------------------------------------------- Felix Crux, Apr 11, 5:11 PM That sounds great; thank you for the info! That's pretty much all the kinds of formatting Markdown has, so that makes things much easier. I'll work on this over the next few evenings and have an updated version for you later this week. Thanks for the help! -- Felix ---------------------------------------------- Carmen Kuncz, Apr 11, 5:08 PM Hi Felix, I was not aware of Markdown. I also was misinformed about bold html. The following tags will work within our template: a, b, br, i, ul, li, p, h1-h6, span, \<a\>, \<a href & strong. I hope this clarifies everything! Please let me know if you have any other questions! Best, Carmen Carmen Kuncz Customer Success Associate Guidebook ---------------------------------------------- Felix Crux, Apr 11, 4:11 PM Sounds good; I'll switch all newlines to <br>s. The reason I ask about bold etc. is that currently all descriptions (talks, speakers, tutorials, all of them) are in a text-based format called Markdown (but I'd be happy to convert it to whatever works for you). Markdown looks very much like plain text (it's meant to), but it actually contains formatting instructions. For example, italics are denoted by surrounding text in asterisks *like this*, and **double asterisks** mean bold. There's also stuff like links, and headings, which look like: ### I'm a heading! You can see some examples of this in the tutorials_schedule.csv file. Check out the tutorial called "Making an Impact with Python Natural Language Processing Tools". You can see how it looks online here: https://us.pycon.org/2016/schedule/presentation/1778/ Note how the description contains text like: ### Python Development Environment and how that becomes a headline on the web page. There are also links, like the one that reads: "[Python](http://python.org)". Finally, there's text that shows up in a fixed-width font using backticks (`), like `virtualenv`. Those examples would typically be translated into HTML tags like <h3>, <a>, and <pre> or <code>. If you can summarize for me what formatting exactly the app can handle, I can convert everything to use it. For things that aren't supported (like bold) I'll at least remove the extra stuff, so we don't get silly double-asterisks in the app text. Sorry for the mixup; I don't know what formatting the app can use, so I left everything in Markdown and mentioned it in the original email. I'd be happy to convert it to whatever works! Cheers, -- Felix ---------------------------------------------- Carmen Kuncz, Apr 11, 12:17 PM Hi Felix, Great to hear! For line breaks please you \<br\> for single breaks and \<br\>\<br\> for double. Unfortunately our software does not allow for us to included bolded formatting. However, I dont see any bolded text in the files you have sent me so far? I only see the need for line breaks? Once I have the updated materials (the schedule is complete so that is not necessary), the process for me uploaded the content shouldn't take very long! Thank you! Best, Carmen Carmen Kuncz Customer Success Associate Guidebook ---------------------------------------------- Felix Crux, Apr 11, 12:14 PM No problem; I'll get that to you ASAP. Would it be better to use line breaks (<br>) or paragraphs (<p>)? If it doesn't matter I'll likely go with paragraphs. What about other formatting, like Markdown headings; should they be turned into <h1>s etc? Bolded text that's currently **like this** into <strong> or <b>? Or is everything else fine? Cheers, -- Felix -- Felix ---------------------------------------------- Carmen Kuncz, Apr 11, 11:19 AM Hi Felix, I have been working on the guide but have run into a bit of a time consuming task. For our templates, in order to maintain the format we need to add html tags for the line breaks. Is there anyway for you to pull the descriptions, abstracts,presenter information, etc for each list with html tags? I just completed the schedule but it required me manually adding tags to each individual item description which is quite a time consuming task. I will continue to work on maintaining the format and I appreciate your patience. If there is anyway we can get the html format within the descriptions please let me know as this would be extraordinarily helpful. Best, Carmen Carmen Kuncz Customer Success Associate Guidebook ---------------------------------------------- Felix Crux, Apr 10, 10:01 AM Hi again! Please find attached the latest version of the data for the guide. Is there an ETA on when we could start playing around with a rough draft? It would be helpful even if it's in an incomplete state, since it would let us figure out what we might be overlooking. Currently I don't see anything for this year when I log on to https://builder.guidebook.com/#/guides/. There are a number of changes in this version of the data: * New sponsors: Flowroute and Netflix. * Sponsor logo changed: House Canary. * New/updated sponsor tutorials. * Schedules now show actual room to be used, not just e.g. "Session A". * Speaker bios added/updated. Let me know if you need anything! Cheers, -- Felix Attachment(s): pycon-2016-guidebook-data.zip - https://support.guidebook.com/attachments/token/2uWGc5671n04hU0vFfPoILTm3/?n... ---------------------------------------------- Carmen Kuncz, Apr 4, 10:02 AM Hi Felix, Thank you for sending this along! I will take a look at everything and start working on inputing this information to the guide within the next few days! I will reach out if I have any questions! Best, Carmen Carmen Kuncz Customer Success Associate Guidebook ---------------------------------------------- Felix Crux, Apr 3, 7:01 PM Hi Carmen, Please find attached an initial attempt at bundling up all the content into a usable export. I hope it's workable enough to get things going, but I'll follow up shortly with whatever is else is needed. The attached zip file should contain comma-separated (.csv) files with the details of all the talks, speakers, etc. The first line of each file has headings describing what each column is. Note that some rows (particularly speaker bios and talk descriptions) contain embedded newlines, but all of those entries should additionally be enclosed in double quotation marks. The files are UTF-8 encoded, and several of the speakers do have names containing non-ASCII characters like 'Ł', 'é', etc, so that's worth watching out for. There are also logo images for all the sponsors in the zip file. *Talk descriptions are currently exported as raw, unprocessed, Markdown*. I'm not sure what kind of formatting Guidebook supports, so I've left that as-is for now. If there's something more useful I can convert it to, just let me know. I do think we'll want to figure out how to process that formatting and get it reflected in the app, though. There's currently nothing in the data export that *links speakers to their talks*, which I know the app can do. If there's some data format that can be bulk-imported to your systems to get that automatically, just let me know and I'd be happy to work on it. In previous years, however, we just linked them up manually. Please don't hesitate to *let me know if there's any way I can process or rework the data* to make it easier for you/your tools to work with -- the nice thing about being a programming conference is we're generally happy to build our own tools to make things simpler! I would much rather put in the work on my end to automate whatever data processing you need to make it possible to bulk-upload changes, instead of having you or me need to go in and fix things manually one-by-one. At present, this is the* list of issues/missing data *that I'm aware of and am working on: * Keynote speakers are not included in the speaker bios. * Plenary sessions (e.g. keynotes, opening remarks) are just listed as "plenary" with no description in the schedule. * Special events (e.g. PyLadies auction, 5K run, dinners) are not included in the schedule (special_events_schedule.csv is empty). * Meals/breaks show up once per track/room, but they really should just be listed once. * "Special" pages such as venue information, code of conduct, etc. may need to be input manually - I don't mind doing it. * Speaker photos are not included (maybe that's OK -- we didn't have them last year either). * As mentioned earlier, some text is in raw Markdown; and I don't know if that's a format Guidebook can ingest. * Floor plan map is on its way, and we'll need to link talks to the room they're in. * Some general information still TBD; I will get it to you ASAP (see below). Finally, here's the *info your requested in in the Guide Basics spreadsheet*: Guide Name: PyCon 2016 Guide Start Date: 2016-05-28 Guide End Date: 2016-06-05 Timezone: Pacific Daylight Time (PDT) (UTC -7) General Information, Venue, Icon, Cover Image, Maps: I will get these to you ASAP, or just fill them in myself and let you know. Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/us.pycon.org Twitter: https://twitter.com/pycon YouTube: Not set up yet, will let you know Photos: No (I think, for now at least) RSS Feed: http://pycon.blogspot.com/feeds/posts/default?alt=rss Homepage: https://us.pycon.org/2016/ Feedback/Surveys: I believe we'll use this, but I don't think the survey has been designed yet. Will get it to you. Notifications: Sure, let's have this. My Schedule: Definitely want this feature. Notes: Sounds good. Live polling: I don't think we'll use this. All right, I think that's most of it for now? Sorry for the enormous email; I'm trying to be very thorough both to keep everyone in the loop and to remind myself of exactly what work I still need to do! Again, please don't hesitate to let me know if I can change or process the data in any way to make it easier for you, or if anything in the export looks weird -- it's all automated, so it's entirely possible something broken snuck through without human review. Cheers; all the best! -- Felix Attachment(s): pycon-2016-guidebook-data.zip - https://support.guidebook.com/attachments/token/zBF5xbh7MnXVep59QaASzZqyp/?n... ---------------------------------------------- Carmen Kuncz, Mar 30, 12:18 PM Hi Ewa, No rush on getting the content to me! I just didn't want to miss a deadline for you! Please send me the content as you get it! Reach out if you have any questions! Best, Carmen Carmen Kuncz Customer Success Associate Guidebook ---------------------------------------------- Ewa Jodlowska, Mar 30, 11:08 AM Hi Carmen, Thank you for checking in! I am not yet ready to start this yet. I will begin the process on Friday of this week and I will ping you if there are any questions. Best regards, Ewa Director of Operations Python Software Foundation Cell: 415-319-5237 ---------------------------------------------- Carmen Kuncz, Mar 30, 11:00 AM Hi Ewa, Just checking in again to see if you have any guide content for me? I know we were initially shooting for an April 1st internal launch date! Please let me know! Best, Carmen Carmen Kuncz Customer Success Associate Guidebook ---------------------------------------------- Carmen Kuncz, Mar 21, 10:06 AM Hi Ewa, Just checking in to see if you have any content for me to start building your guide? Let me know, I am excited to get started on this! Best, Carmen Carmen Kuncz Customer Success Associate Guidebook ---------------------------------------------- Ewa Jodlowska, Feb 17, 2:01 PM Yes, that is my cell phone number. Talk to you tomorrow! Best regards, Ewa Director of Operations Python Software Foundation Cell: 415-319-5237 ---------------------------------------------- Carmen Kuncz, Feb 17, 1:58 PM Hi Ewa, 1 PM PST tomorrow will work great! Can I call you on the cell phone number you have listed below? If not please let me know which number is best to reach you at! Looking forward to our call! Best, Carmen Carmen Kuncz Customer Success Associate Guidebook ---------------------------------------------- Ewa Jodlowska, Feb 17, 1:50 PM Hi Carmen, Let's chat at 1pm PT tomorrow. Have a good afternoon! Best regards, Ewa Director of Operations Python Software Foundation Cell: 415-319-5237 ---------------------------------------------- Carmen Kuncz, Feb 17, 1:25 PM Hi Ewa, Are you possibly available tomorrow? I am free to speak anytime between 10 AM PST to 4PM PST. Let me know! Best, Carmen Carmen Kuncz Customer Success Associate Guidebook ---------------------------------------------- Ewa Jodlowska, Feb 17, 12:22 PM Hi Carmen, Are you available this afternoon? I am available any time now until about 4pm CT. Best regards, Ewa Director of Operations Python Software Foundation Cell: 415-319-5237 ---------------------------------------------- Carmen Kuncz, Feb 17, 10:55 AM Hi Ewa, It's great to e-meet you! My name is Carmen, and I'll be working with you to create your guide. Lets start by scheduling a call to discuss your guide. This will help me get a good vision for your guide as well as to propose a tentative timeline for an on-time release! Please let me know your availability so we can schedule a time! I have attached a Guide Basics Spreadsheet (will appear as a link). Please take a brief look at it before our call! I'm very excited to get started! Let me know your availability and if you have any questions, feel free to reply to this thread (rather than creating a new ticket -- things can get messy rather fast). You can also call my direct extension at 650-319-7233 ext. 222. Thanks again, and I look forward to hearing back from you! Best, Carmen Carmen Kuncz Customer Success Associate Guidebook Attachment(s): Guide_Basics.xls - https://support.guidebook.com/attachments/token/Cpp6495RhyUf0XiLYDcLQL8hh/?n... ---------------------------------------------- Katie Herrgesell, Feb 17, 10:46 AM Hi Ewa, I would like to introduce you to our awesome guide building team! They are the experts that will handle the data entry for you, and will work to create an easy to use event guide. I have shared your event information with the customer success team, and someone will be contacting you within one business day to get started on your guide. Good luck! Best, Katie -- Katie Herrgesell Sr. Corporate Account Manager Office: 650.319.7233 ext 126 Mobile: 216.570.0531 www.guidebook.com -------------------------------- This email is a service from Guidebook. [N2DQPZ-696N]

This is great - thank you! Best regards, Ewa Director of Operations Python Software Foundation Cell: 415-319-5237 On Tue, Apr 26, 2016 at 4:01 PM, Carmen Kuncz (Guidebook) < builders@guidebook.zendesk.com> wrote:
##- Please type your reply above this line -##
You are registered as a CC on this help desk request ( support.guidebook.com/hc/requests/26702). Reply to this email to add a comment to the request. Other ccs: Felix Crux, Katie Herrgesell, Pycon-mobile-guide [image: Carmen Kun]
*Carmen Kuncz* (Guidebook)
Apr 26, 2:01 PM Hi Ewa,
I have changed it to "http://guidebook.com/g/pycon2016" please let me know if you would like it change it to something else!
Carmen Kuncz Customer Success Associate Guidebook
[image: Ewa Jodlow]
*Ewa Jodlowska*
Apr 26, 11:47 AM
Hi Carmen -
I tried to download the poster for Guidebook promotion but the link is super long. Is there a way to shorten it? I am attaching an image of what it looks like now.
Best regards,
Ewa Director of Operations Python Software Foundation Cell: 415-319-5237
Attachment(s) Screen Shot 2016-04-26 at 1.45.50 PM.png <https://support.guidebook.com/attachments/token/iaSl7nrPA5v9029GQ3iivK5RZ/?n...>
[image: Carmen Kun]
*Carmen Kuncz* (Guidebook)
Apr 26, 10:55 AM Hi Felix and Ewa,
Yes, you can already use the promote section! Please send along anything else you would like me to add. I only have to upload the "presentations" folder that was sent, everything else should be done!
Felix, we have a linking template that will make it easy on my end! I will reach out if I run into any issues and need assistance!
Carmen Kuncz Customer Success Associate Guidebook
[image: Ewa Jodlow]
*Ewa Jodlowska*
Apr 25, 6:09 PM
Thanks Carmen!
I can confirm I've now got access (had to click "accept" on the invitation in the top right dropdown menu). I'll look through it over the next few days and let you know if anything comes up.
I'll also get you new cover art & venue details to replace last year's.
FYI - I updated the cover art. Feel free to improve upon it though :)
[image: Ewa Jodlow]
*Ewa Jodlowska*
Apr 25, 6:01 PM
Hi Carmen,
Thanks for the new link. I am able to view the 2016 guide. Is it OK to already the "promote" section? This way I can print the posters for onsite.
Best regards,
Ewa Director of Operations Python Software Foundation Cell: 415-319-5237
[image: Felix Crux]
*Felix Crux*
Apr 25, 5:57 PM
Thanks Carmen!
I can confirm I've now got access (had to click "accept" on the invitation in the top right dropdown menu). I'll look through it over the next few days and let you know if anything comes up.
I'll also get you new cover art & venue details to replace last year's.
I know I asked about this in the original email, but is there anything I can do to make it easier to link speakers to their talks? Last year I did it manually, but if there's something I can provide like a spreadsheet in a certain format, I'd be happy to do so. Otherwise I guess they'll need to be done by hand?
[image: Carmen Kun]
*Carmen Kuncz* (Guidebook)
Apr 25, 3:31 PM Hi Ewa and Felix,
I just sent you both invitations to be admins on the guide. Our new website is builder.guidebook.com, please refrain from using gears!
Please let me know if you have any questions! I should have the last bit of content uploaded soon!
Carmen Kuncz Customer Success Associate Guidebook
[image: Ewa Jodlow]
*Ewa Jodlowska*
Apr 25, 12:09 PM
Hi Carmen,
Thank you for working on this. I have an account on https://gears.guidebook.com/ and so does Felix. Mine is under ewa@python.org and I believe Felix's is under felixc@felixcrux.com.
Best regards,
Ewa Director of Operations Python Software Foundation Cell: 415-319-5237
[image: Carmen Kun]
*Carmen Kuncz* (Guidebook)
Apr 22, 12:26 PM Hi Ewa and Felix,
The guide has been update with all content sent with the exception of the "presentations" folder. I hope to have this last part of the guide done soon!
Are either one of you familiar with Builder and or have an account within it?
Please let me know so I can get you set up with how to preview the guide!
Carmen Kuncz Customer Success Associate Guidebook
[image: Carmen Kun]
*Carmen Kuncz* (Guidebook)
Apr 21, 4:04 PM Hi Ewa,
I am still working on the guide. There is a mix of last year and this year's stuff on it. I will work on trying to get you access to the guide tomorrow!
Carmen Kuncz Customer Success Associate Guidebook
[image: Ewa Jodlow]
*Ewa Jodlowska*
Apr 21, 7:55 AM
Hi Carmen,
Can we access our guide in gears yet? I would love to be able to access to Guidebook promotional material as I am working on printing signs for our conference this week.
Best regards,
Ewa Director of Operations Python Software Foundation Cell: 415-319-5237
[image: Carmen Kun]
*Carmen Kuncz* (Guidebook)
Apr 14, 12:10 PM Hi Felix,
Thank you so much for getting this back to me! I am going to start uploading this content! I hope a preview will be available for you within the next couple days! I will keep you updated on my progress and let you know if I run into any problems with the HTML!
Thanks again!
Carmen Kuncz Customer Success Associate Guidebook
[image: Felix Crux]
*Felix Crux*
Apr 13, 5:24 PM
All right; that should do it! Attached is the latest version of the data.
The most notable change is of course that all the Markdown has been converted to HTML. There are a few other things included too:
* New posters: "Building Python with Gradle" and "The Breathing Earth" * New bios: Gina Schmalzle and Stephen Holsapple * New sponsor: Heroku * Updated sponsor logos for Clover Health, PDT, and Keystone * Several updated talk descriptions and speaker bios
How does it look? Let me know if any of the formatting is causing trouble, and I'd be happy to tweak it some more. Approximately when could we start playing around with a preview of the guide? Thanks!
-- Felix
Attachment(s) pycon-2016-guidebook-data.zip <https://support.guidebook.com/attachments/token/vTYger3KM5atGgaGyejyfxn1z/?n...>
[image: Carmen Kun]
*Carmen Kuncz* (Guidebook)
Apr 11, 5:21 PM Hi Felix,
Great thank you so much! I very much appreciate it. I just had a conversation with my manager about the html tags and he warned me that italics and u are currently not working on our software.
Sorry for the conflicting information! Thank you!
Carmen Kuncz Customer Success Associate Guidebook
[image: Felix Crux]
*Felix Crux*
Apr 11, 5:11 PM
That sounds great; thank you for the info! That's pretty much all the kinds of formatting Markdown has, so that makes things much easier. I'll work on this over the next few evenings and have an updated version for you later this week. Thanks for the help!
-- Felix
[image: Carmen Kun]
*Carmen Kuncz* (Guidebook)
Apr 11, 5:08 PM Hi Felix,
I was not aware of Markdown. I also was misinformed about bold html. The following tags will work within our template: a, b, br, i, ul, li, p, h1-h6, span, <a>, <a href & strong.
I hope this clarifies everything! Please let me know if you have any other questions!
Carmen Kuncz Customer Success Associate Guidebook
[image: Felix Crux]
*Felix Crux*
Apr 11, 4:11 PM
Sounds good; I'll switch all newlines to <br>s.
The reason I ask about bold etc. is that currently all descriptions (talks, speakers, tutorials, all of them) are in a text-based format called Markdown (but I'd be happy to convert it to whatever works for you).
Markdown looks very much like plain text (it's meant to), but it actually contains formatting instructions. For example, italics are denoted by surrounding text in asterisks *like this*, and **double asterisks** mean bold. There's also stuff like links, and headings, which look like:
### I'm a heading!
You can see some examples of this in the tutorials_schedule.csv file. Check out the tutorial called "Making an Impact with Python Natural Language Processing Tools". You can see how it looks online here: https://us.pycon.org/2016/schedule/presentation/1778/
Note how the description contains text like: ### Python Development Environment and how that becomes a headline on the web page. There are also links, like the one that reads: "[Python](http://python.org)". Finally, there's text that shows up in a fixed-width font using backticks (`), like `virtualenv`.
Those examples would typically be translated into HTML tags like <h3>, <a>, and <pre> or <code>.
If you can summarize for me what formatting exactly the app can handle, I can convert everything to use it. For things that aren't supported (like bold) I'll at least remove the extra stuff, so we don't get silly double-asterisks in the app text.
Sorry for the mixup; I don't know what formatting the app can use, so I left everything in Markdown and mentioned it in the original email. I'd be happy to convert it to whatever works! Cheers,
-- Felix
[image: Carmen Kun]
*Carmen Kuncz* (Guidebook)
Apr 11, 12:17 PM Hi Felix,
Great to hear! For line breaks please you <br> for single breaks and <br><br> for double. Unfortunately our software does not allow for us to included bolded formatting. However, I dont see any bolded text in the files you have sent me so far? I only see the need for line breaks?
Once I have the updated materials (the schedule is complete so that is not necessary), the process for me uploaded the content shouldn't take very long!
Thank you!
Carmen Kuncz Customer Success Associate Guidebook
[image: Felix Crux]
*Felix Crux*
Apr 11, 12:14 PM
No problem; I'll get that to you ASAP. Would it be better to use line breaks (<br>) or paragraphs (<p>)? If it doesn't matter I'll likely go with paragraphs.
What about other formatting, like Markdown headings; should they be turned into <h1>s etc? Bolded text that's currently **like this** into <strong> or <b>? Or is everything else fine?
-- Felix
-- Felix
[image: Carmen Kun]
*Carmen Kuncz* (Guidebook)
Apr 11, 11:19 AM Hi Felix,
I have been working on the guide but have run into a bit of a time consuming task. For our templates, in order to maintain the format we need to add html tags for the line breaks. Is there anyway for you to pull the descriptions, abstracts,presenter information, etc for each list with html tags? I just completed the schedule but it required me manually adding tags to each individual item description which is quite a time consuming task.
I will continue to work on maintaining the format and I appreciate your patience. If there is anyway we can get the html format within the descriptions please let me know as this would be extraordinarily helpful.
Carmen Kuncz Customer Success Associate Guidebook
[image: Felix Crux]
*Felix Crux*
Apr 10, 10:01 AM
Hi again!
Please find attached the latest version of the data for the guide.
Is there an ETA on when we could start playing around with a rough draft? It would be helpful even if it's in an incomplete state, since it would let us figure out what we might be overlooking. Currently I don't see anything for this year when I log on to https://builder.guidebook.com/#/guides/.
There are a number of changes in this version of the data: * New sponsors: Flowroute and Netflix. * Sponsor logo changed: House Canary. * New/updated sponsor tutorials. * Schedules now show actual room to be used, not just e.g. "Session A". * Speaker bios added/updated.
Let me know if you need anything! Cheers,
-- Felix
Attachment(s) pycon-2016-guidebook-data.zip <https://support.guidebook.com/attachments/token/2uWGc5671n04hU0vFfPoILTm3/?n...>
[image: Carmen Kun]
*Carmen Kuncz* (Guidebook)
Apr 4, 10:02 AM Hi Felix,
Thank you for sending this along! I will take a look at everything and start working on inputing this information to the guide within the next few days!
I will reach out if I have any questions!
Carmen Kuncz Customer Success Associate Guidebook
[image: Felix Crux]
*Felix Crux*
Apr 3, 7:01 PM
Hi Carmen,
Please find attached an initial attempt at bundling up all the content into a usable export. I hope it's workable enough to get things going, but I'll follow up shortly with whatever is else is needed.
The attached zip file should contain comma-separated (.csv) files with the details of all the talks, speakers, etc. The first line of each file has headings describing what each column is. Note that some rows (particularly speaker bios and talk descriptions) contain embedded newlines, but all of those entries should additionally be enclosed in double quotation marks. The files are UTF-8 encoded, and several of the speakers do have names containing non-ASCII characters like 'Ł', 'é', etc, so that's worth watching out for. There are also logo images for all the sponsors in the zip file.
*Talk descriptions are currently exported as raw, unprocessed, Markdown*. I'm not sure what kind of formatting Guidebook supports, so I've left that as-is for now. If there's something more useful I can convert it to, just let me know. I do think we'll want to figure out how to process that formatting and get it reflected in the app, though.
There's currently nothing in the data export that *links speakers to their talks*, which I know the app can do. If there's some data format that can be bulk-imported to your systems to get that automatically, just let me know and I'd be happy to work on it. In previous years, however, we just linked them up manually.
Please don't hesitate to *let me know if there's any way I can process or rework the data* to make it easier for you/your tools to work with -- the nice thing about being a programming conference is we're generally happy to build our own tools to make things simpler! I would much rather put in the work on my end to automate whatever data processing you need to make it possible to bulk-upload changes, instead of having you or me need to go in and fix things manually one-by-one.
At present, this is the* list of issues/missing data *that I'm aware of and am working on: * Keynote speakers are not included in the speaker bios. * Plenary sessions (e.g. keynotes, opening remarks) are just listed as "plenary" with no description in the schedule. * Special events (e.g. PyLadies auction, 5K run, dinners) are not included in the schedule (special_events_schedule.csv is empty). * Meals/breaks show up once per track/room, but they really should just be listed once. * "Special" pages such as venue information, code of conduct, etc. may need to be input manually - I don't mind doing it. * Speaker photos are not included (maybe that's OK -- we didn't have them last year either). * As mentioned earlier, some text is in raw Markdown; and I don't know if that's a format Guidebook can ingest. * Floor plan map is on its way, and we'll need to link talks to the room they're in. * Some general information still TBD; I will get it to you ASAP (see below).
Finally, here's the *info your requested in in the Guide Basics spreadsheet*: Guide Name: PyCon 2016 Guide Start Date: 2016-05-28 Guide End Date: 2016-06-05 Timezone: Pacific Daylight Time (PDT) (UTC -7) General Information, Venue, Icon, Cover Image, Maps: I will get these to you ASAP, or just fill them in myself and let you know. Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/us.pycon.org Twitter: https://twitter.com/pycon YouTube: Not set up yet, will let you know Photos: No (I think, for now at least) RSS Feed: http://pycon.blogspot.com/feeds/posts/default?alt=rss Homepage: https://us.pycon.org/2016/ Feedback/Surveys: I believe we'll use this, but I don't think the survey has been designed yet. Will get it to you. Notifications: Sure, let's have this. My Schedule: Definitely want this feature. Notes: Sounds good. Live polling: I don't think we'll use this.
All right, I think that's most of it for now? Sorry for the enormous email; I'm trying to be very thorough both to keep everyone in the loop and to remind myself of exactly what work I still need to do!
Again, please don't hesitate to let me know if I can change or process the data in any way to make it easier for you, or if anything in the export looks weird -- it's all automated, so it's entirely possible something broken snuck through without human review.
Cheers; all the best!
-- Felix
Attachment(s) pycon-2016-guidebook-data.zip <https://support.guidebook.com/attachments/token/zBF5xbh7MnXVep59QaASzZqyp/?n...>
[image: Carmen Kun]
*Carmen Kuncz* (Guidebook)
Mar 30, 12:18 PM Hi Ewa,
No rush on getting the content to me! I just didn't want to miss a deadline for you! Please send me the content as you get it! Reach out if you have any questions!
Carmen Kuncz Customer Success Associate Guidebook
[image: Ewa Jodlow]
*Ewa Jodlowska*
Mar 30, 11:08 AM
Hi Carmen,
Thank you for checking in!
I am not yet ready to start this yet. I will begin the process on Friday of this week and I will ping you if there are any questions.
Best regards,
Ewa Director of Operations Python Software Foundation Cell: 415-319-5237
[image: Carmen Kun]
*Carmen Kuncz* (Guidebook)
Mar 30, 11:00 AM Hi Ewa,
Just checking in again to see if you have any guide content for me? I know we were initially shooting for an April 1st internal launch date!
Please let me know!
Carmen Kuncz Customer Success Associate Guidebook
[image: Carmen Kun]
*Carmen Kuncz* (Guidebook)
Mar 21, 10:06 AM Hi Ewa,
Just checking in to see if you have any content for me to start building your guide? Let me know, I am excited to get started on this!
Carmen Kuncz Customer Success Associate Guidebook
[image: Ewa Jodlow]
*Ewa Jodlowska*
Feb 17, 2:01 PM
Yes, that is my cell phone number. Talk to you tomorrow!
Best regards,
Ewa Director of Operations Python Software Foundation Cell: 415-319-5237
[image: Carmen Kun]
*Carmen Kuncz* (Guidebook)
Feb 17, 1:58 PM Hi Ewa,
1 PM PST tomorrow will work great! Can I call you on the cell phone number you have listed below? If not please let me know which number is best to reach you at!
Looking forward to our call!
Carmen Kuncz Customer Success Associate Guidebook
[image: Ewa Jodlow]
*Ewa Jodlowska*
Feb 17, 1:50 PM
Hi Carmen,
Let's chat at 1pm PT tomorrow.
Have a good afternoon!
Best regards,
Ewa Director of Operations Python Software Foundation Cell: 415-319-5237
[image: Carmen Kun]
*Carmen Kuncz* (Guidebook)
Feb 17, 1:25 PM Hi Ewa,
Are you possibly available tomorrow? I am free to speak anytime between 10 AM PST to 4PM PST. Let me know!
Carmen Kuncz Customer Success Associate Guidebook
[image: Ewa Jodlow]
*Ewa Jodlowska*
Feb 17, 12:22 PM
Hi Carmen,
Are you available this afternoon? I am available any time now until about 4pm CT.
Best regards,
Ewa Director of Operations Python Software Foundation Cell: 415-319-5237
[image: Carmen Kun]
*Carmen Kuncz* (Guidebook)
Feb 17, 10:55 AM Hi Ewa,
It's great to e-meet you! My name is Carmen, and I'll be working with you to create your guide. Lets start by scheduling a call to discuss your guide. This will help me get a good vision for your guide as well as to propose a tentative timeline for an on-time release! Please let me know your availability so we can schedule a time!
I have attached a Guide Basics Spreadsheet (will appear as a link). Please take a brief look at it before our call!
I'm very excited to get started! Let me know your availability and if you have any questions, feel free to reply to this thread (rather than creating a new ticket -- things can get messy rather fast). You can also call my direct extension at 650-319-7233 ext. 222. Thanks again, and I look forward to hearing back from you!
Carmen Kuncz Customer Success Associate Guidebook
Attachment(s) Guide_Basics.xls <https://support.guidebook.com/attachments/token/Cpp6495RhyUf0XiLYDcLQL8hh/?n...>
[image: Katie Herr]
*Katie Herrgesell*
Feb 17, 10:46 AM
Hi Ewa,
I would like to introduce you to our awesome guide building team! They are the experts that will handle the data entry for you, and will work to create an easy to use event guide. I have shared your event information with the customer success team, and someone will be contacting you within one business day to get started on your guide. Good luck!
-- Katie Herrgesell Sr. Corporate Account Manager Office: 650.319.7233 ext 126 Mobile: 216.570.0531 www.guidebook.com This email is a service from Guidebook. Delivered by Zendesk <http://www.zendesk.com>. [N2DQPZ-696N]
_______________________________________________ Pycon-mobile-guide mailing list Pycon-mobile-guide@python.org https://mail.python.org/mailman/listinfo/pycon-mobile-guide
participants (3)
Carmen Kuncz (Guidebook)
Ewa Jodlowska
Felix Crux