Thank you Hobson!

I just wanted to clarify what our job as the Open Space committee is to make sure we’re all on the same page. Our main job is to facilitate the Open Spaces, which means we make it possible for people to organize their own little Open Spaces by providing rooms, a sign up board, ideas for Open Spaces, general infrastructure, and promotion. Our job is not to organize each little Open Space ourselves. The PyCon attendees will pick a topic, pick a room and a time onsite themselves. Onsite our main job will be to make sure to put up the sign up board everyday, monitor the board and make sure the Open Space topics are CoC appropriate, document the topics, and be there in case of questions.

I hope this clarifies while voting on topics for example is not necessary as the people will sort of make that decision for themselves onsite :)

Have a good week everyone and please feel free to add new cards, assign yourselves to cards, etc.


Am 15.01.2016 um 21:46 schrieb Hobson Lane <>:

Thank you. I may not have been logging on or searching for boards correctly. I see it now, and I added a couple cards. Feel free to edit or delete anything I put up.


On Jan 15, 2016 6:02 AM, "Anna Ossowski" <> wrote:
Hi Hobson,

I must have added the wrong Hobson Lane (user name hobsonlane) the first time. That’s strange because I used your email address to find you. Anyway, just readded you under the right user name :)

Am 15.01.2016 um 14:49 schrieb Hobson Lane <>:

Hi Anna,

I cant find the Open Space trello board under my user name "hobs".  Could you re-add me?


On Jan 14, 2016 10:20 AM, "Anna Ossowski" <> wrote:
Hello Hobson and Kinga,

I hope you’re both well!
It’s the new year and PyCon is happening in just a few months. While our main work won’t start until closer to the conference, I just wanted to check in with both of you so we can start planning.

I just created a Trello board for us, which I added both of you to. If you didn’t get added for some reason, please let me know your Trello name and I’ll add you again. Trello is a great tool for planning and collaboration so I thought it would be useful for us.

I created 5 boards so far „To Do“, „In Progress“, „Done“, To Contact“, and „Ideas“. Please feel free to create new boards, add cards, or move cards around. I would also like to encourage you to assign yourself to tasks that you would like to tackle. I think the board names are pretty self-explanatory :) When you start working on a task, please just move it to the „In Progress“ board and when it’s done please move it to the „Done“ board.

My guess is that we should start working on things in March at the latest to have enough time to get everything done before PyCon starts at the end of May but there are things we can start preparing now so feel free to tackle tasks whenever you have time. The only thing we should wait with until closer to PyCon is contacting people. If we contact them too early people might forget about it.

If you have any questions or need anything, please feel free to contact me anytime :)

Thank you!
Pycon-openspaces mailing list