Thank you Anna, Zak, since you built the bot, would you mind working with Trey to put together a sentence explaining how it works? The key is to make it clear that the twitter bot interaction is entirely optional, "just for fun". It's a way for someone to promote their Open Spaces event. This blog post that you are writing the sentence for with trey is for the public, so they will only interact with the bot through tweets with the hashtag #pyconopenspaces. In addition, Open Spaces organizers (like myself) can tweet on behalf of any events in order to help the bot promote an event that we see on the scheduling poster boards. The poster boards are where PyCon attendees put up cards to schedule/suggest an open spaces meetup. Trey, the bot simply extracts date, time and room number from any tweets that contain #pyconopenspaces . If the tweet looks like someone promoting a valid open spaces event time slot that no one else has yet "claimed" with the bot, the bot will retweet the tweet 15 minutes before the event. It, of course, can't verify that that event exists on the scheduling poster boards, however. Organizers, like you and I and Anna will have access to the twitter bot's schedule and can delete any tweets that are inappropriate or have the bot ignore (blacklist) any accounts that are spamming that hashtag. And we'll have some pretty robust spam filters in place. It may not retweet all the legitimate openspaces tweets, but it will be highly unlikely to embarrass us. And it will not be tweeting from an official pycon account. We can set that account to whatever you and Anna would like. The current test account is @tw_testy . That's where the promotional tweets will come from, not a name attendees need to remember or tweet to. --Hobson (503) 974-6274 On Mon, Apr 24, 2017 at 5:12 PM, Anna Ossowski <ossanna16@gmx.de> wrote:
Hello everyone!
I had it on my calendar for today to take a final look at the Open Spaces blog post. The blog post is almost good to go, we just need to add a sentence or two about the Open Spaces bot and explain the promotional aspect of using our hashtag. The blog post is here https://docs.google.com/document/d/1ZvEyX-xH6VccLpL5TK_ EcWt5me0Y6tlMP4QOwLfbLVM/edit#heading=h.55czulx95ir4
Hobson and Trey, would one of you be able to add the part that is missing to the blog post and then give Brandon the final go once you’ve done so please?
Hobson gave me instructions on how to test the Open Spaces bot but I have been busy with conferences and work and I am going on a much needed work-free (that also includes volunteer work) vacation on Wednesday for a week so I actually won’t have time to test the bot before I leave. I was planning on having time to test the bot today or tomorrow but I had something come up at work and I actually have to put my job before my volunteer work this time, which is something that I rarely do and which I feel bad about. I trust Hobson that the bot works. If however one of you still would like to test the bot, please reach out to Hobson for instructions.
Thank you all for your help in making the Open Spaces awesome again this year! Anna
--------------------------------- You are appreciated. You are enough. You matter. You are not alone.
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