Am 12.11.2015 um 07:21 schrieb Hobson Lane <>:Thank you Anna, nice to meet you! I look forward to working with you and Kinga. I've added some ideas to your document and look forward to brainstorming some more.I'm a Data Scientist and Robotics Engineer and have worked for small startups and large corporations like Intel and Sharp. I like rock climbing, backpacking, and travel. Several years ago I took 4 years off to sail across the Pacific and teach myself python and Data Science. Pinax and Django were the main reason I chose to focus on python! I submitted a minor patch to Pinax in 2008, but haven't used it much since.
On Wed, Nov 11, 2015 at 8:14 AM, Anna Ossowski <> wrote:Hi Kinga and Hobson,
I’m happy to welcome you both as part of our little Open Spaces team :)
Kinga and I already know each other but I thought it might be nice to introduce ourselves so we get to know a little bit about the others, I’ll start:
I’m Anna Ossowski, I live in Germany and work for Eldarion as the Pinax community manager. I organized two Django Girls workshops, used to manage the „Your Django Story“ interview series on the Django Girls blog and still coach for Django Girls workshops occasionally. I’m a PSF director, group leader of the PyLadies Remote chapter, DjangoCon Communications Chair and PyCon Open Spaces Chair :) In my free time I enjoy traveling, spending time with friends and family, and baking.
Hobson, Kinga and I started putting together a little list of ideas regarding the Open Spaces, which you can find here Please feel free to add your own ideas. (Kinga, could you please give Hobson permission to edit the document?)
Our main work won’t start until closer to PyCon next year so if you’d like to help with other tasks until then, I’m sure the program committee could use some help reviewing talk and tutorial proposals :)
Ewa recommended that all communication regarding the Open Spaces should happen on this mailing list so please send everything Open Spaces related to
I look forward with working with both of you! :)
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