Alright I've started a document that I'd like you all to review and discuss
On picture quality
Picture quality seems like it might be shaky (see the many examples of pictures folks have taken in the past, which are often hard to read because the text is so small/fuzzy in photos).
We could try to compensate for this by encouraging large dark letters and reminding people to write legibly so that people can read what they've written from afar.
On scheduling pictures
I'd love to have a picture taken every 30 minutes if possible. Thoughts on how reasonable/necessary that seems?
What is your availability like during PyCon? Will you be able to take pictures of the board on-site and, if so, how often? I figure I should be able to take a picture every 120 minutes approximately, since I don't plan to be in talks and open spaces for more than about 2 blocks of time in a row.
Taking a picture every 2 hours is a bit of a scheduling issue potentially. If we got 1-3 more trusted volunteers for this task, would could instead shoot for each person taking a picture every 3 hours. I suppose technically we could even recruit random people as volunteers, if they wanted to email one of us a picture if they see an upload of one is needed.