Wow, this is great feedback. Thank you so much!
I'm CC:ing the organizers list so we have it somewhere where I'm not the
only person to see it!
On Mon, May 22, 2017 at 10:16 AM, Meghan Halton <meghalton(a)> wrote:
> Hi Asheesh,
> Thanks for running this yesterday evening, it was really valuable for all
> who attended! The following is super nit-picky, so please don't feel like
> I'm being hyper critical, overall it was a really well run session.
> …
[View More]Introduction
> ----------------
> Inflow of people was a little unorganised
> * Could direct mentors to one place and attendees to another.
> The lady who had confusion over 3.6/2.7 confusion was initially dealt with
> a little condescendingly, although the eventual resolution (directing a
> mentor to her) was a great solution.
> Miniconda Installation
> -----------------------------
> The main critique here was that many projects use virtual env over conda.
> It might be nice to include a track for that (although I understand the
> installation is not as streamlined across multiple operating systems).
> Some people had existing broken installs of conda.
> * The workaround here was to rename the existing "miniconda3" folder and
> run installation again.
> Git Install
> ------------
> Generally went well
> One person on windows had a strange problem where git was trying to push
> as someone else who was previously configured on their laptop. Git was
> reinstalled and it fixed their issue.
> Git configuration
> ----------------------
> Johnny Appleseed did catch at least one person out
> * Use "Your name here"
> * Explicitly call out that Johnny Appleseed should be replaced with your
> own name before letting people get started, as opposed to calling it out
> afterwards, as you're moving on.
> Break
> --------
> Excellent Idea
> Overall
> ---------
> * Next/Previous links at the bottom of the pages could be big coloured
> arrows to make them more obvious.
> * Would be nice to keep a running update on how long/much content is left.
> * Windows is by far the most problematic operating system, maybe make a
> special request for mentors with Windows experience?
> Once again thanks for running the intro! I'm working with Pycascades which
> is a pycon running in Vancouver in January 2018, do you think it would be
> an issue if we used this for our own sprint prep session?
> Thanks,
> Meghan Halton
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