Hi Rasha -
Just to be sure I understand - are you volunteering for both morning and afternoon water for tutorial instructors?
I am up for everything. I should be there 8:30 and staying the whole day. Thanks for the informative email!On Wed, Mar 13, 2013 at 8:48 PM, Yarko Tymciurak <yarkot1@gmail.com> wrote:
Hello Volunteers -
- Thursday is a big day - there's SWAG, which is a big task, but a social event. If it's your first PyCon, you'll probably meet more people here than....
Also, Thursday late afternoon may be a rush on registration, as people really start piling in.Here's what we have going on:
- Morning (8:30): I need one person who will get 2 bottles of water to each tutorial room, to the instructor's podium area.
- water bottles are in the green room;
- you may need to find a bag / box so you can do this in one quick trip;
- Please reply to this email to volunteer for either morning or afternoon "water" task!
- Afternoon sessions (1:00): one person (the same - water to instructor stations)
- 2-3 people to staff Registration at the 3PM, 4PM; and 5PM slots.
- 8-10 people: 4:30PM at the exit of tutorials (4:40) to invite people to "BAG 10" at Swag
- Swag is in Rm. 200 - the open area where the Green Room, Sponsor Tutorials, etc. are, which is upstairs, behind Registration
- SWAG - Please come help with SWAG, and encourage others.
- You can stay as long as you like, or come, leave, come back - but I ask you at least stuff 10 SWAG BAGS.
That's all I can think of at the moment for Thursday.Note: If / when you don't know how to help, remember: you can be a worker bee (and do what told), or you can be a social bee, and take initiave.One of the most useful things is to be able to help people when they don't know where to go. A good exercise:
- Study the Event Schedule (available @ Registration);
- In particular, open and study "SERVICES AND SPECIAL EVENTS" for Thursday, and be sure you know what is going on, and where that is.
- Then, walk around and look for people look "lost" or puzzled, and ask if you can help them find something.
This, throughout the conference, is a most useful way to volunteer and meet people (and you might make some friends too!).NOTE: For the main conference:
- We still are in need of 11 Session Runners, and one Char for the conference proper.
- Please see http://us.pycon.org/2013/schedule/sessions to spot the needs are (click on the Session number to volunteer;
Thank you for your continued help, and see you all tomorrow!Friday morning is a _really_ big day! :-)--
- Yarko
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