Hello, everyone,

Although in-person events are on hold, I have some good news to share for when they resume.  The PSF just acquired a general liability policy for the next year that covers all fiscal sponsoree Meetups, workshops, conferences, and other events under 500 attendees.   That means we do not need a list of specific events or locations for your events through March 27, 2021! 

This policy also includes limited auto coverage for fiscal sponsorees when you use a personal auto to any event your group hosts or any PSF event with the exception of PyCon.  Please continue to maintain auto insurance on your vehicle as the PSF liability is limited to a maximum of $3,000.

Based on contract requirements from various venues, we acquired the following coverage:

GENERAL AGGREGATE LIMIT  ...........................................$3,000,000
EACH OCCURRENCE LIMIT ............................................... $1,000,000
DAMAGE TO PREMISES RENTED TO YOU (per location). $   500,000
MEDICAL EXPENSE LIMIT (per person)............................. $      20,000

If you would like a Certificate of Insurance either generally for your group or a venue that hosts events on your behalf would like to be listed as a Named Insured, please let me know and I will get a COI for you.

If you estimate that your event will go over 500 attendees or any type of sporting event (like a fun run), please complete the Event Insurance Data Request Form.  And please let me know if you have any questions or concerns.


Phyllis A. Dobbs
Python Software Foundation


As a non-profit organization, the PSF depends on sponsorships and donations to support the Python community. Check out our Annual Impact Report for more details.  Please contribute to the PSF; we can't continue our work without your support!