On meetup: https://www.meetup.com/Pyninsula-Python-Peninsula-Meetup/events/272950112/ <https://www.meetup.com/Pyninsula-Python-Peninsula-Meetup/events/272950112/?i...> This is going to be a new step in our journey to find the best virtual format. For this spooky October, we will have thunder and lightning talks! We will not have a video-style webinar. Instead, there will be a video stream of the talks available on YouTube. URL will be posted on the meetup page, and announced on Discord. Commentary, Q&A, and discussion will be on a special channel on the Pyninsula Discord Server dedicated to that. Join our discord server at https://discord.gg/BCtN3hW Schedule: 7:30-7:35 -- Organizers' introduction 7:35-7:40 -- Lightning Talk: TBD: TBD 7:40-7:50 -- Q&A on the channel (Light music will be playing on video) 7:55-8:05 -- Thunder Talk: TBD: TBD 8:05-8:10 -- Q&A on the channel (Light music will be playing on video) 8:10-8:15 -- Lightning Talk: TBD: TBD 8:15-8:20 -- Q&A on the channel (Light music will be playing on video) 8:20-8:30 -- Thunder Talk: TBD: TBD 8:30-8:35 -- Q&A on the channel (Light music will be playing on video) 8:35-8:40 -- Lightning Talk: TBD: TBD 8:40-8:45 -- Q&A on the channel (Light music will be playing on video) 8:45-8:55 -- Organizers' wrap-up