Would it be worth having a page somewhere on PyPA repositories where we list which packages are lifted by whom ?
I'm a little uncomfortable about this even so. Tidelift give no indication on the project page that only certain individuals have committed to providing the guarantees Tidelift expect. So there's going to be an expectation from users - and particularly from users who have *paid Tidelift* for the guarantees - that the project as a whole will stand by those guarantees. I think such a page needs to be clear that the *project* is lifted, and the named individuals have taken on the responsibility for maintaining the Tidelift guarantees. I think that PyPA projects (and pip in particular) should not be lifted unless all of the project maintainers have agreed that lifting is OK, and that the project has the capacity to provide the stated guarantees, even if some project maintainers are not willing to make that commitment individually. And there should be some process for the project to withdraw from lifting if the maintainers' views change. Paul