Dear Pypa Committers,
I am writing to you to ask for your vote on the following resolution:
Please approve remitting pipenv Tidelift revenue net of Python Software Foundation's administrative fee to the pipenv page maintainer, Frost Ming from March 2021 to December 2021 and 50/50 to Oz Tiram and Matt Davis from January 2022 on until such time as the maintainer(s) changes. The PyPA will share the voting results of this resolution with Python Software Foundation.
In case you have not noticed, after a long hiatus where pipenv wasn't maintained at all or solely maintained,
the project is now live and active. We (GitHub handles @oz123, @matteius) have been fixing bugs, removing old code, answering questions and released multiple versions of pipenv
in the last year.
Although there are other tools that help Python users to manage their virtualenvs, pipenv remains used by many members of the community. We know this since there are many new contributors
and bug reports in the period since we adopted this project from @frostming.
On behalf of Matt Davis and me,
Best regards
Oz Tiram
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