The following PyPI XMLRPC methods are being permanently deprecated:
See our docs <> for alternatives. These methods have seen continued excess traffic that requires a full transit to our backends to service. Given that we have had them marked as deprecated for years, and they are continuing to cause availability issues for the service, it is time for them to go.…
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This deprecation will rollout over the next three weeks via rolling brownout, this allows us to gradually "notify" users who are not subscribed to pypi-announce <> and to provide some time to work around for users who need time to migrate.
Brownout windows:
September 5th - September 12th
:00-:10 every hour
September 12th - September 19th
:00-:15 and :30-:40 every hour
September 19th - September 26th
:00-20 and :30-:50 every hour
September 26th onward
Deprecated methods are fully disabled
See to follow along with developments as this deprecation progresses.
-Ee Durbin
Director of Infrastructure
Python Software Foundation
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