Hi all, I didn't see a pypy-user list, so I'm posting here.
I came across PyPy while trying to find a way to speed up cvs2svn while
converting a large CVS repo. I've pulled the latest via svn, got it
built and have translated the interpreter, but cvs2svn using pypy-c
fails with the output:
debug: WARNING: library path not found, using compiled-in sys.path
ERROR: cvs2svn uses the anydbm package, which depends on lower level dbm
libraries. Your system has dumbdbm, with which cvs2svn is known …
[View More]to have
problems. To use cvs2svn, you must install a Python dbm library other
dumbdbm or dbm. See
for more information.
Now, when we've run into this issue with python, someone just rebuilt
python enabling built in libgdbm support, but I haven't found any way to
do that or include some other dbm within PyPy.
Since I'm not that familiar with python to start with, I'm hoping that
I'm just missing something quite basic, and that some kind soul here can
point me in the right direction...
Should I be trying to translate cvs2svn instead of trying using pypy-c ?
(this seems to involve building a target file or something).
Am I just out of luck?
Kelly F. Hickel
Senior Product Architect
MQSoftware, Inc.
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This is not an official announcement of Psyco V2, yet.
But everybody who is interested should check out
and do some testing.
The major improvement besides lots of builtins is the new
generator support, which is disabled by default, due to an
internal error in Psyco.
To use and test generators, create preferences.py, following
the instructions in setup.py.
This software is considered asan alpha release.
The final version should be expected before end of …
[View More]February.
regards -- chris
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