Hi very one!
I'm doing some planing on writing a option/arg parser in RPython to add to
the rlib. How ever I'm verry new to RPython. I would appreciate all input on
how i should approach the task a head.
Does people think that there is a BIG benefit to implement a dropin
replacement for either the argparser from stdlib or the optparser from
Or should i look at the pypy app-level implementation and try to write
something that is( simpler) and follow its criteria.
At the moment i don'…
[View More]t have nice work enviroment( waiting for a new computer)
so i cant realy try out the nice translatorshell and all it's test code. But
when i get it I'll start hacking of. In the meantime ill do research and
some planing.
I'm hoping to use the rlib parsing tool just for the benefit of one more
project using it and by that have more code for people to look at for
exampples to the parsing lib. Is this overkill?
//Samuel (Neppord) Ytterbrink
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running into the following traceback when translating. Any ideas? My machine
too old to have certain features? Thanks!
Best regards,
Wim Lavrijsen
[translation:ERROR] Error:
[translation:ERROR] Traceback (most recent call last):
[translation:ERROR] File "translate.py", line 306, in main
[translation:ERROR] drv.proceed(goals)
[translation:ERROR] File "/home/wlav/pypydev/pypy/pypy/translator/driver.py", line 809, in proceed
[translation:ERROR] return self._execute(goals, …
[View More]task_skip = self._maybe_skip())
[translation:ERROR] File "/home/wlav/pypydev/pypy/pypy/translator/tool/taskengine.py", line 116, in _execute
[translation:ERROR] res = self._do(goal, taskcallable, *args, **kwds)
[translation:ERROR] File "/home/wlav/pypydev/pypy/pypy/translator/driver.py", line 286, in _do
[translation:ERROR] res = func()
[translation:ERROR] File "/home/wlav/pypydev/pypy/pypy/translator/driver.py", line 397, in task_pyjitpl_lltype
[translation:ERROR] backend_name=self.config.translation.jit_backend, inline=True)
[translation:ERROR] File "/home/wlav/pypydev/pypy/pypy/jit/metainterp/warmspot.py", line 50, in apply_jit
[translation:ERROR] warmrunnerdesc.finish()
[translation:ERROR] File "/home/wlav/pypydev/pypy/pypy/jit/metainterp/warmspot.py", line 210, in finish
[translation:ERROR] self.annhelper.finish()
[translation:ERROR] File "/home/wlav/pypydev/pypy/pypy/rpython/annlowlevel.py", line 240, in finish
[translation:ERROR] self.finish_annotate()
[translation:ERROR] File "/home/wlav/pypydev/pypy/pypy/rpython/annlowlevel.py", line 259, in finish_annotate
[translation:ERROR] ann.complete_helpers(self.policy)
[translation:ERROR] File "/home/wlav/pypydev/pypy/pypy/annotation/annrpython.py", line 176, in complete_helpers
[translation:ERROR] self.complete()
[translation:ERROR] File "/home/wlav/pypydev/pypy/pypy/annotation/annrpython.py", line 250, in complete
[translation:ERROR] self.processblock(graph, block)
[translation:ERROR] File "/home/wlav/pypydev/pypy/pypy/annotation/annrpython.py", line 448, in processblock
[translation:ERROR] self.flowin(graph, block)
[translation:ERROR] File "/home/wlav/pypydev/pypy/pypy/annotation/annrpython.py", line 508, in flowin
[translation:ERROR] self.consider_op(block.operations[i])
[translation:ERROR] File "/home/wlav/pypydev/pypy/pypy/annotation/annrpython.py", line 710, in consider_op
[translation:ERROR] raise_nicer_exception(op, str(graph))
[translation:ERROR] File "/home/wlav/pypydev/pypy/pypy/annotation/annrpython.py", line 707, in consider_op
[translation:ERROR] resultcell = consider_meth(*argcells)
[translation:ERROR] File "<4237-codegen /home/wlav/pypydev/pypy/pypy/annotation/annrpython.py:745>", line 3, in consider_op_getattr
[translation:ERROR] return arg.getattr(*args)
[translation:ERROR] File "/home/wlav/pypydev/pypy/pypy/annotation/unaryop.py", line 606, in getattr
[translation:ERROR] attrdef = ins.classdef.find_attribute(attr)
[translation:ERROR] File "/home/wlav/pypydev/pypy/pypy/annotation/classdef.py", line 217, in find_attribute
[translation:ERROR] return self.locate_attribute(attr).attrs[attr]
[translation:ERROR] File "/home/wlav/pypydev/pypy/pypy/annotation/classdef.py", line 212, in locate_attribute
[translation:ERROR] self.generalize_attr(attr)
[translation:ERROR] File "/home/wlav/pypydev/pypy/pypy/annotation/classdef.py", line 307, in generalize_attr
[translation:ERROR] self._generalize_attr(attr, s_value)
[translation:ERROR] File "/home/wlav/pypydev/pypy/pypy/annotation/classdef.py", line 297, in _generalize_attr
[translation:ERROR] newattr.mutated(self)
[translation:ERROR] File "/home/wlav/pypydev/pypy/pypy/annotation/classdef.py", line 137, in mutated
[translation:ERROR] raise NoSuchAttrError(homedef, self.name)
[translation:ERROR] NoSuchAttrError': (<ClassDef 'pypy.jit.backend.x86.regloc.AssemblerLocation'>, 'is_xmm')
[translation:ERROR] .. v0 = getattr(loc_0, ('is_xmm'))
[translation:ERROR] .. '(pypy.jit.backend.x86.assembler:671)Assembler386._assemble_bootstrap_direct_call'
[translation:ERROR] Processing block:
[translation:ERROR] block@150 is a <class 'pypy.objspace.flow.flowcontext.SpamBlock'>
[translation:ERROR] in (pypy.jit.backend.x86.assembler:671)Assembler386._assemble_bootstrap_direct_call
[translation:ERROR] containing the following operations:
[translation:ERROR] v0 = getattr(loc_0, ('is_xmm'))
[translation:ERROR] v1 = is_true(v0)
[translation:ERROR] --end--
WLavrijsen(a)lbl.gov -- +1 (510) 486 6411 -- www.lavrijsen.net
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ran into this error, which I haven't seen before and which I can't pin down:
[translation:ERROR] File "/home/wlav/pypydev/pypy/pypy/rpython/rtyper.py", line 254, in specialize_more_blocks
[translation:ERROR] self.specialize_block(block)
[translation:ERROR] File "/home/wlav/pypydev/pypy/pypy/rpython/rtyper.py", line 406, in specialize_block
[translation:ERROR] self.translate_hl_to_ll(hop, varmapping)
[translation:ERROR] File "/home/wlav/pypydev/pypy/pypy/rpython/rtyper.py",…
[View More] line 535, in translate_hl_to_ll
[translation:ERROR] resultvar = hop.dispatch()
[translation:ERROR] File "/home/wlav/pypydev/pypy/pypy/rpython/rtyper.py", line 768, in dispatch
[translation:ERROR] return translate_meth(self)
[translation:ERROR] File "<487-codegen /home/wlav/pypydev/pypy/pypy/rpython/rtyper.py:610>", line 4, in translate_op_simple_call
[translation:ERROR] return r_arg1.rtype_simple_call(hop)
[translation:ERROR] File "/home/wlav/pypydev/pypy/pypy/rpython/rpbc.py", line 723, in rtype_simple_call
[translation:ERROR] return self.redispatch_call(hop, call_args=False)
[translation:ERROR] File "/home/wlav/pypydev/pypy/pypy/rpython/rpbc.py", line 772, in redispatch_call
[translation:ERROR] assert hop.nb_args == 1, ("arguments passed to __init__, "
[translation:ERROR] AssertionError: arguments passed to __init__, but no __init__!
I don't find anything that could be related to local code, until I go up
to specialize_block. That block has:
(Pdb+) block.operations
[v1 = call_args((function free), ((1, ('flavor', 'track_... False)), v0, ('raw'), (False)), v2 = simple_call((type error), ('out of resources'))]
which I presume is lltype.free() of which I have a few calls, but no recent
changes (and I don't understand the complaint about __init__ at that point).
I'm going to roll back history to see where things broke, but if the above
rings a bell with someone, that could spare me some time ... Thanks!
WLavrijsen(a)lbl.gov -- +1 (510) 486 6411 -- www.lavrijsen.net
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I just came across http://www.serpentine.com/blog/2011/06/29/here-be-dragons-
advances-in-problems-you-didnt-even-know-you-had/ which talk about a paper
submitted last year about a fast float -> str conversion routine. I don't know
what is currently used in pypy (or in Python actually), probably the
underlying libc's implementation, but this could be something interesting for
people writing lots of floats in csv files.
Alexandre Fayolle …
[View More]LOGILAB, Paris (France)
Formations Python, CubicWeb, Debian : http://www.logilab.fr/formations
Développement logiciel sur mesure : http://www.logilab.fr/services
Informatique scientifique: http://www.logilab.fr/science
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The following message is forwarded on behalf of Jesse Noller:
Now that we have the machine, we need to start working on
collecting/organizing the resources needed to get a shared codespeed
system in place. After speaking with various people, we felt that
overloading codespeed-dev, pypy-dev or python-dev with the discussions
around this would be sub optimal. I've spun up a new mailing list
Those who are interested in working on or …
[View More]contributing to the
speed.python.org project can subscribe there. I personally can not
lead the project, and so I will be looking to the current
speed.pypy.org team, and python-dev contributors for leadership in
this. I got you the hardware and hosting! :)
"I disapprove of what you say, but I will defend to the death your right to
say it." -- Evelyn Beatrice Hall (summarizing Voltaire)
"The people's good is the highest law." -- Cicero
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