
September 2011

  • 67 participants
  • 65 discussions
CUDA/OpenCL under PyPy
by Valery Khamenya Sept. 12, 2011

Sept. 12, 2011
CTypes backend for Cython Status
by Romain Guillebert Sept. 11, 2011

Sept. 11, 2011
speed and 1.6
by Alex Gaynor Sept. 9, 2011

Sept. 9, 2011
Errors running pypy with ctype library
by Greg Bowyer Sept. 8, 2011

Sept. 8, 2011
PyCON UK Sept 24 + 25
by Laura Creighton Sept. 8, 2011

Sept. 8, 2011
deepcopy slower in PyPY ?!
by Jorge de Jesus Sept. 8, 2011

Sept. 8, 2011
Re: [pypy-dev] Moving the project forward
by Jesse Noller Sept. 8, 2011

Sept. 8, 2011
6 10
0 0
segfault in translation; C backend
by Sept. 8, 2011

Sept. 8, 2011
Status of ARM backend
by Eric van Riet Paap Sept. 5, 2011

Sept. 5, 2011