Hi Developers ..


I have been looking at trying to install the pypy interpreter from source code as suggested from the:  http://pypy.org website for the very first time. We don’t have any previous version of the pypy interpreter installed on our systems at Cisco ..  


I ran into a bit of an issue in trying to follow the instructions. As was suggested I tried to use the “building from Source” code instructions as I wanted to build it from scratch as we have a somewhat unique environment, so it is usually better to try and build the tools from the source code ..


All the build instructions seem to assume that you have a previous version of pypy already installed, in my case, I don’t have a previous version of pypy already installed and am trying to create the first one.. L ..


I there a set of instructions for very first time builders ??


Thanks for any help that you can offer ..




Dave W



David Watson

STEP Tools Master

Cisco System

2000 Inovation Drive

Ottawa, On K2W 3E8

PH: 613 254-3377
