Hi Carl Friedrich, What kind of benchmark do you prefer? A benchmark that shows how great PyPy is compared with C-Python? Then you might use Sunfish, https://github.com/thomasahle/sunfish. Sunfish does not have any offical benchmarks, but I think you might could use test.selfplay() as a benchmark. (It has Sunfish play against itself, and it plays the same 84-move game each time.) This benchmark shows that PyPy is 3.5 times faster than C-Python. Or do you want a benchmark that shows how poor PyPy is, and maybe suggests where some improvement might be needed? Then you could use PyChess, http://code.google.com/p/pychess. PyChess comes with an official benchmark, pychess.Utils.lutils.Benchmark.benchmark(). It shows that PyPy is only 25% faster than C-Python. Sunfish is a bit of a toy program (but what a nice toy!). PyChess is a real chess program, maybe the leading chess program in Python. Best wishes, Johan On 2014-02-28 13:05, Carl Friedrich Bolz wrote:
Hi Norbert,
On 28/02/14 08:03, norbert.raimund.leisner@arcor.de wrote:
I ask you because a chess program "Sunfish" https://github.com/thomasahle/sunfish/ is using pypy.
Unrelated to your actual question, this sounds like a very cool addition to our benchmark set. Somebody feel like adding it?
Carl Friedrich