On Fri, May 29, 2009 at 2:44 AM, Carl Friedrich Bolz <cfbolz@gmx.de> wrote:
alan yung wrote:
Thanks and sorry about the link. The right link is http://paste.pocoo.org/show/119296/ this.
What I'm trying to do there is this: In the freeze() function, I want to stop executing the current python function, and copy the (python) frame stack, and unroll the python frame stack *and* interpreter level stack frame. In the resume() function, I want to continue executing the python function copied in freeze() function and reconstruct interpreter level stack using resume_state_create() and resume_state_invoke() function.
Where do you actually put those functions? How do you call them? What's the error/behaviour you get?
I implemented a (mixed) module, and implemented those functions as interpreter level functions, and made them callable from application level. I called them from normal Python application (in stackless translated pypy vm) and the behaviour is that they don't have any effect. There's no (interpreter level/application level) stack unwinding or resuming. thanks.
Carl Friedrich