Hi Harald! Note that we are pypy-dev@python.org these days.
yepp, allready in the process of updating my autocomplete :)
No. We just had the idea of doing it very recently.
aaaa... so there was a gnostic fields of information ....
No, but it took the reception of Europython, where I met many people who
would pay for GIL removal, for instance, before I got the idea that
crowdsourcing would work for us. So we have been discussing this at
this sprint.
that is great.
>I think we want to say who wants to do the work, and how soon they
>could start before we collect the pledges.
Hmmmm .. I hope my english does not work against me: "pledge" I used for "person x commits to pay amount z when the feature is being realised"; so that developers can tune in as soon as enough money is promised for a feature.
The idea was also to possibly attract new developers ... for example, if there would be "10 days in money" for adapting py2exe, I am sure many would jump to solve this puzzle.
complicated, like 'kill the GIL' and 'numpy integration' we would
need to do the spelling out of exactly what it is that we would
be willing to do.
I'd rather get paid up front, as well, for things that take months and
or years to do.
my dream was of a trustee service: after somebody commits to do the work, the pledgers have to pay to a trustee. then the work is done. then the trustee pays the worker.
Higher levels would be "pay per completion" or similiar.
>In the meantime, if you find a commercial entity which is doing what
>we want already, do let me know. For me it is a matter of balancing
>the benefit of being paid by a hundred people in 25 Euro chunks, vs
>the hassle of having to return money already pledged via paypal or
>some service if the feature doesn't receive enough funding, (if we
>collect before the work starts) or going after deadbeat promisers who
>never pay (if we collect after the work is done).
and I added the idea of a trustee. Which would put the situation "not enough people pay" to the trustee, he would have to pay back.
Hmmm.... a structure could be:
- service provider does the technical stuff, as in:
# website
# collect pledges
# handly project description
# collect money
# distribute money after featuer completion
- PSF / pypy-foundation / whateverfoundation provides the trust
Thanks for confirming the need for such a thing!