You correctly point out, in other words, that it was an ugly hack. It is on the way to being removed by adding a space argument to calls to from_space...(). Let us know how your tests progress. Matti On 07/04/2013 09:57 PM, Mike Beller wrote:
That's great. I was stuck trying to figure out how to deal with the fact that if subtype was not-none, the from_shape (and friends) would also need access to 'space'. I see you addressed that with subtype_and_space=(None,None). It's not a pattern I'd seen in the pypy codebase. I keep thinking that there are already very specific pypy-ish ways of doing things at interpreter level, and digging to try to learn those patterns, when perhaps things are a bit more in flux than I thought.
On awesome side, I think now with your subclassing code, and Armin's modification to mmap.py to support more of the buffer interface, the memap code I've already written may just work. Will try that next.
On Wed, Jul 3, 2013 at 3:29 PM, Matti Picus <matti.picus@gmail.com <mailto:matti.picus@gmail.com>> wrote:
I got motivated and implemented parts of subtypes on ndarray in the ndarray-subtype branch. This page http://docs.scipy.org/doc/numpy/user/basics.subclassing.html describes the numpy way, so I did ndarray.view(subtype) as well, but I did not yet do the slice (they call it template) nor did I do __array_finalize__
Failing tests and patches are welcome