Hi Ian, On 20 February 2014 21:40, Ian Ozsvald <ian@ianozsvald.com> wrote:
compiler technologies. The simple answer might be 'because pypynumpy is young' and that'd be fine - at least I'd have an answer if someone asks the question in my talk. If someone has more details, that'd be really interesting too. Is there a fundamental reason why pypynumpy couldn't do the example as fast as cython/numba/pythran?
Indeed, it's because numpypy is young and not optimized so far. Note also that while big improvements are certainly possible and planned for this simple example, making consistent big improvements for more cases requires some serious involvement. Unlike other projects like Numba, PyPy is a more diverse project, and right now only one of the few core people is working part-time on numpypy. As a general rule, I'd say that we're missing someone really interested in numpy. A bientôt, Armin.