On Wed, Sep 30, 2015 at 1:10 PM, Vasily Evseenko <> wrote:
Hi, Could you explain about closed file objects (do you mean open file descriptors)? I've never heard about this restriction before.
30.09.2015 19:35, Phyo Arkar пишет:
On Wed, Sep 30, 2015 at 6:54 PM, Luis José Novoa <> wrote:
Never heard of it.
Here are things PyPy Can help:
- If it is Pure Python - If CExtensions are with CFFI - If file objects (if any) are closed
PyPy will work fine and you can expect average 7x performance gain , up to 20-30x.
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-- Ryan [ERROR]: Your autotools build scripts are 200 lines longer than your program. Something’s wrong.