thanks for merging in the patch. I have now cloned the latest version, and tried to compile under Cygwin. I ran into a couple more issues, attached is a follow-up patch. In parallel I had a longer conversation with Matti about potentially setting up a build slave for Pypy under Cygwin. Clearly some kind of testing is needed. Currently the Cygwin Pypy Python standalone version build with --opt=jit fails on os.fork() calls. The Pypy Python version build with --opt=2 handles os.fork() apparently just fine, on the other hand it cannot be used to build Pypy and simply exits without error message after platcheck_28. So the question is, do you have a regular build for Cygwin?
I have not fully checked into whether I could set up a build slave, but it's clear already that because of the long time it takes to run a build (6.5 hours), it would have to be a weekly, not nightly, setup. I am willing to pursue that if it would help the project.

From: Armin Rigo <>
To: Uwe F. Mayer <>
Cc: "" <>
Sent: Sunday, June 3, 2012 2:57 AM
Subject: Re: [pypy-dev] Patches for Pypy under cygwin

Hi Uwe,

On Tue, May 1, 2012 at 1:05 AM, Uwe F. Mayer <> wrote:
> I edited / hacked the sources and managed to compile PyPy under Cygwin based
> on Python 2.6.7 and gcc-4.5.3. If you find this of interest, the patches are
> available at

Thanks!  I finally took the time to review and merge the patch.

I didn't include any change to lib-python: they are changes that look
like they should also be done to CPython..?  I may be mistaken, but it
looks like fixes for tests that would also fail on CPython+cygwin.  If
that's the case, then it should be reported and fixed in CPython.

A bientôt,
