Feb. 12, 2019
2:26 a.m.
On Tue., 12 Feb. 2019, 2:53 am Carl Friedrich Bolz-Tereick <cfbolz@gmx.de wrote:
Hi all,
Armin and I briefly looked at the long list of our open branches today. Could everybody take a look which of "their" branches could be closed, or maybe merged? see list below, ordered by last committer on the branch, and date.
William ML Leslie <william.leslie.ttg@gmail.com> 2017-01-24 12:54 +1100 taskengine-sorted-optionals William ML Leslie <william.leslie.ttg@gmail.com> 2017-01-24 18:55 +1100 inline-taskengine
Sorry, i closed one branch in this series and forgot the rest. Feel free to delete these.