Hello to everybody, I am an Italian student who will participate in the euro-pypy-sprint. Looking for a good idea for a proposal, I saw https://codespeak.net/issue/pypy-dev/ and many issues are interesting. like: - https://codespeak.net/issue/pypy-dev/issue87 - https://codespeak.net/issue/pypy-dev/issue111 ( or/ and ) - https://codespeak.net/issue/pypy-dev/issue205 - https://codespeak.net/issue/pypy-dev/issue224 The common subject here is "Improving test machinery". What do you think, can issue87 + issue111 be a good base for a proposal? Is it required to produce some proof-of-concept? Are there other ideas in the community not listed in that page? I am a good programmer ( I am a the end of a Computer Science Master course in Rome ) so don't let me escape from helping this wonderful project :) Fabrizio Milo