At 13:16 20.04.03 +0200, Laura Creighton wrote:
I propose we have a Sprint in Gothenburg where I live the last week of May. Gotheburg is conveniently 1 hop away by Ryan Air from London Stansted, and Frankfurt Hahn. Virgin Express also flies to Gothenburg.
The last week of May could mean anything from Friday the 23rd to Sunday the 31st. We need to set the exact dates. I think the next thing to do, after setting a date, is to set up a date and time to meet on #pypy. (Unless you prefer discussing on a mailing list). I would like to find out who besides Christian, Armin, and Michael (whom I have heard from already) are interested in attending this Sprint.
I would like to attend. Btw, it would be good - if possible - to know soon whether the sprint will take place, because in that case I have some things to reschedule. regards